the dissident frogman

Hang on: if you use a spam filtering system, please add mail from to the whitelist.

Join my klatch

Klatch noun \ˈklach, ˈkläch\ variants: less commonly klatsch a group of people sharing a common interest and relating together socially.
All fields are required. There are instructions, some of which are not entirely futile. Should be easy.
Click all the doodahs below for extra help, at the potential expense of extra futility. You're welcome.
While required for login, your email address is never published on both public and private pages.
Tips Screen Name

Between 3 and 33 characters.

Tips Email Address
Required for sign-in and password recovery: avoid disposable addresses.

As in "valid" address...

Tips Retype your email address.

Yeah. Again.

Tips Set a password
Hey! Make it at least 8 characters with at least one uppercase and one lowercase letters, and one number.

Between 8 and 72 characters.

Tips Retype your password.

Yeah. Again, again.

Read the House Rules
Check "I agree...", even if you couldn't be bothered reading these. Everybody does that.
The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.
You can change all of these informations at will and at any time in your Control Panel, once your account is activated.

What happens next?

You will receive a confirmation request email at the address you provided. Just follow the instructions it contains.

No email?

Registration confirmation is automated and should arrive within minutes. If you do not receive the notification email:

  1. Wait a bit,
  2. Check your spam folder,
  3. Ensure that you are not using challenge-response spam filtering, that requires the sender to answer a challenge before delivering the email to you.
If you rule out spam filtering snags and are positive the email did not arrive, feel free in last resort to say Help me!