the dissident frogman

Reader comment

A comment by the dissident frogman on When The Nazis Aren't Enough

Don't get too hot, and don't drop your panty yet sweetheart: there's nothing personal, as yours was just the last in a fairly long series of "missed-the-point-blame-the-US-nonetheless" comments. And that's what called for an answer that began with...
"Nicanor (...), and the rest ..."
... If you don't mind me reminding you. In any case, bear in mind that, had your comment been utterly irrelevant or simply insufferably moronic, it would have been deleted without arguing. Sue me. In any case, there's no need to justify yourself so lavishly. You should stick to your brave old world's guidelines: nothing is certain, nothing can be asserted, nothing is right, and nothing is wrong - therefore, ideas can't really have consequences, can they?

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