Sometimes you don't even have to touch the thing. Beautiful summer's day, a few days off work, came in, switched on, not a care in the world, opened Word, began to type and phut! Dead, junk, no power. Change fuse in plug. (Be sensible on occasions such as this, do not scream, batter walls, froth at mouth - yet.) Nothing. Being a tad financially challenged, ponder, as in do not automatically summon million pounds an hour repair whizzo. (Fortunately most stuff backed up - except of course the most recent and therefore by definition most seminally important. still, I wrote it once, I can dig into my brain and write it again. Maybe it'll be better this time....Decide to let bank balance grow a little before doing anything well, expensive. Get ancient desktop out of mothballs. Win98 was a wonderful product, you know, can't think why they felt it necessary to mess with it...Set up internet connection, install Photoshop, Flash player...Character-building, as you say.
Sometimes you don't even have to touch the thing. Beautiful summer's day, a few days off work, came in, switched on, not a care in the world, opened Word, began to type and phut! Dead, junk, no power. Change fuse in plug. (Be sensible on occasions such as this, do not scream, batter walls, froth at mouth - yet.) Nothing. Being a tad financially challenged, ponder, as in do not automatically summon million pounds an hour repair whizzo. (Fortunately most stuff backed up - except of course the most recent and therefore by definition most seminally important. still, I wrote it once, I can dig into my brain and write it again. Maybe it'll be better this time....Decide to let bank balance grow a little before doing anything well, expensive. Get ancient desktop out of mothballs. Win98 was a wonderful product, you know, can't think why they felt it necessary to mess with it...Set up internet connection, install Photoshop, Flash player...Character-building, as you say.