Leonidas, thanks for the link but I've seen the argument before. MUZZAMIL SIDDIQI states that civilians are not to be targeted but doesn't define civilian.
During the Israeli - Hizballah war the muslims stated that the civilian populace supported the military and were therefore members of the military themselves. If you read the fatwa the term civilian is nowhere defined regardless of how many times it is used.
Another factor to be taken into consideration is the policy of taqiyya (in Arabic: deception.) That policy is used in conjunction with the ambigous sense of its terms to mask the intent of the fatwa. The Islamic religion has tarried too long in making its announcements of solidarity with the west.
The religion has been defined by the ones who call themselves holy warriors. The fact that they are terrorists has implicated anyone who stood around wishing they would go away while doing nothing.
Leonidas, thanks for the link but I've seen the argument before. MUZZAMIL SIDDIQI states that civilians are not to be targeted but doesn't define civilian.
During the Israeli - Hizballah war the muslims stated that the civilian populace supported the military and were therefore members of the military themselves. If you read the fatwa the term civilian is nowhere defined regardless of how many times it is used.
Another factor to be taken into consideration is the policy of taqiyya (in Arabic: deception.) That policy is used in conjunction with the ambigous sense of its terms to mask the intent of the fatwa. The Islamic religion has tarried too long in making its announcements of solidarity with the west.
The religion has been defined by the ones who call themselves holy warriors. The fact that they are terrorists has implicated anyone who stood around wishing they would go away while doing nothing.