the dissident frogman

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A comment by floridasuzie on Friday open gun advice thread


I'm just as relieved as the other ladies to find out we're not old enough to be your older sister, aunt, or mother. It feels much better being your peer :) I hated turning 40 too, but much to my surprise, the Forties are Fun!

I vote for skydiving, but then I'm partial as that has been one of my lifelong dreams, too. In fact, a few years ago my sons were going to treat me to a skydiving lesson for Mother's Day but alas I broke my foot a couple weeks before and wasn't able to, blast-it-all. If you do decide on skydiving, you might first want to see if you can buddy-jump with a female instructor unless you wouldn't find it uncomfortable "hugging & holding" another man through the sky ;)

My sons had a mad passion for Lamborghinis - my oldest son still does - and I'm sure if my youngest son had lived longer he would still love them, too. (BTW, did you get the photo of him that I sent to you? That's my fave pic of him. He was so beautiful, was he not? :) ) I know my sons would have hopped in a Lamborghini in a heartbeat had they ever got the chance, birthday or any day.

Gun - I could have sworn you said big game such as bear? I re-read all of your posts and couldn't find anything but wild boar. Those suckers are some mean sons of a gun but trying to take out a bear with a gun before it takes you out is not something I'd want to think about. They are VERY hard to kill. Everyone's already made excellent suggestions but here's some more (pardon if someone has mentioned any of these) .280 Remington .308 Win 30-06 Springfield .35 Remington An inscription suitable both for hunting as well as defending yourself against terrorists and other scum: FEAR THE FROGMAN

Now for the Par-Tay Celebration...I shall provide a cake in the shape of the gun of your choice. The cake batter will include gunpowder, rum, and distilled sugar cane (Blackbeard's favorite drink, 'Kill Devil'). For entertainment, some most excellent comedians - the awesome Asian Southern comedian (he's from Tennessee with more of a Southern accent than even I have) Henry Cho; my fellow-Floridian, Dave Barry; Craig Ferguson, who desperately loves the USA and wants to get his citizenship ASAP (plus the guy is a great dancer and just too much fun). Heck, I want these guys at my birthday party. Y'all don't tell anybody but if I weren't already married, I'd marry Craig Ferguson so he could get his American citizenship (well anyway, that would be my way of convincing him to marry me ).

Canker, I love the poem, INVICTA. It's definitely a keeper, I'm going to add it to my poetry folder.


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