Well, as you can obivously see, when you ask for suggestions of what rifle to buy, you get a wide selection to choose from.
I can still remember my first deer rifle. It was a 7 mm Mausuer (7 X 57 to be correct). It was a very nice rifle, with an extremely strong action. Regret to this day selling it. I also enjoyed a 44 Magnum lever action. Great brush/deer rifle, but here in the Ozarks you don't get that long distance shot. Of course, if you want that long distance shot, maybe a Barrett would work.
Much depends on what you are planning to hunt. Get one that feels right for you; that you are comfortable in shooting. I would probably look at either a 222 or maybe a 270. Look at Ruger, I love their #1 rifles.
Well, as you can obivously see, when you ask for suggestions of what rifle to buy, you get a wide selection to choose from.
I can still remember my first deer rifle. It was a 7 mm Mausuer (7 X 57 to be correct). It was a very nice rifle, with an extremely strong action. Regret to this day selling it. I also enjoyed a 44 Magnum lever action. Great brush/deer rifle, but here in the Ozarks you don't get that long distance shot. Of course, if you want that long distance shot, maybe a Barrett would work.
Much depends on what you are planning to hunt. Get one that feels right for you; that you are comfortable in shooting. I would probably look at either a 222 or maybe a 270. Look at Ruger, I love their #1 rifles.