As the have nots get more and more have notty then they'll act out and get pissy at those that aren't so have notish. So, droughts will force migrations, etc etc.
And those of us who are still in the greedy rat bastard level of have it allish wont want to share with the icky have notties. So the have notties will have no choice but to kill us and take our stuffs.
And, it will, of course, be all our fault, because we're just evil that way.
The linkage supposedly goes like this:
As the have nots get more and more have notty then they'll act out and get pissy at those that aren't so have notish. So, droughts will force migrations, etc etc.
And those of us who are still in the greedy rat bastard level of have it allish wont want to share with the icky have notties. So the have notties will have no choice but to kill us and take our stuffs.
And, it will, of course, be all our fault, because we're just evil that way.