In honor of Big Al's big day we drive the SUV till it ran dry and then re-filled the tank. After that we went home and built a fire of homage to him out of old tires and bowed in the direction of Tennessee three times.
Wonder in which room in that energy sucking mansion he lives in will he plop that POS award? Any word too if he used a pedal-boat to get to/from Norway? Oh do the planes he and other limousine liberals fly in run on the hot air that comes out of their mouths?
Ah, just in time for Halloween.
In honor of Big Al's big day we drive the SUV till it ran dry and then re-filled the tank. After that we went home and built a fire of homage to him out of old tires and bowed in the direction of Tennessee three times.
Wonder in which room in that energy sucking mansion he lives in will he plop that POS award? Any word too if he used a pedal-boat to get to/from Norway? Oh do the planes he and other limousine liberals fly in run on the hot air that comes out of their mouths?