In honor of Big Al's big day we drive the SUV till it ran dry and then re-filled the tank. After that we went home and built a fire of homage to him out of old tires and bowed in the direction of Tennessee three times.
Hopefully you threw some Sheryl "one square of toilet paper per bathroom visit" Crow CDs on the fire for good measure ;)
2hotel9 wrote:
And Froggy, I have had trouble with my bloglines feed, this is the first time you come up in my feeds since last week. It has been dropping my news feeds too. I am less than amused! Complaints have actually done some good, apparently.
2hotel, you might want to give a try - I've got about 50 blog/news site feeds in it, and find that most of them update regularly. There is an option in Newsgator to import your blogfeeds from other RSS readers, too, so if you have a lot of blog feeds to transfer over to Newsgator from Bloglines, the transfer should be pretty smooth.
Valerie wrote:
Hopefully you threw some Sheryl "one square of toilet paper per bathroom visit" Crow CDs on the fire for good measure ;)
2hotel9 wrote:
2hotel, you might want to give a try - I've got about 50 blog/news site feeds in it, and find that most of them update regularly. There is an option in Newsgator to import your blogfeeds from other RSS readers, too, so if you have a lot of blog feeds to transfer over to Newsgator from Bloglines, the transfer should be pretty smooth.