the dissident frogman

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A comment by SisterToldjah on To encourage the others (some more)

DF wrote:

You know, even in my wildest dreams, I never hoped I would someday be at the receiving end of a crazy woman's attention. That blogging thing is so rewarding.

Now I so hope my spam filters didn't eat this one…

LOL ... well, I was writing it while undergoing a significant amount of work stress (which is not unusual for a Monday here at the 8-5), so just keep that in mind in case your spam filters didn't eat it ;) In all seriousness, though, it wasn't that bad.

I did go ahead and re-send the email prior to that one yesterday, but about ten seconds after I did, I started having email problems of my own as Earthlink webmail suddenly went offline for a little bit, so let me know if you didn't get the one I sent yesterday, and I shall try again :)

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