In the flagpole picture, select the upper-right quadrant of the image (French flag and sky), and equalize it. You'll see that the sky consists of a single colour with some rectangular intersects. A CCD's noise floor is too high to produce large areas of single-colour, and the rectangles aren't JPEG noise - JPEG acts on 3x3 pixel grids. This image has certainly been doctored.
Cool stuff. The tech talk is always oh so impressive. Do you base your sharp analysis on the high res version I just posted, or did you just zoomed the small, weight optimized ones I initially posted?
Just curious.
The centre flagpole is of a different texture than the other two (more reflections), and is apparently growing out of a mature bush, which means nobody could get close enough to raise or lower the flag.
Huh? You mean a pole in the open, at a different position in space than another one does not reflect daylight exactly the same and… That is suspect?
As for the bush and "nobody could get close enough"… Well, maybe you should wait until you can actually see the ground?
Anyway, that remark is interesting, considering your next "expertise":
There is no halyard on the pole, which I would expect to be there if a flag had recently been flying.
This image ([url=][/url]) taken from a slightly different angle, suggests that the flagpole has been empty for some time, and that only GB and French flags are present. None of the other nations involved in the Normandy Landings are represented.
OK, let me put that straight:
First, my picture has, in your own words "certainly been doctored" (the pole reflections, the mature bush, etc.).
But now, you come up with another picture of the same spot that shows… an empty pole just like mine and you're telling us… What are you telling us exactly?
Thanks for finding on the vast Internet another image that looks exactly the same as mine… Say, you're sure this one wasn't doctored either?
This ([url=][/url]) is the monument below the empty flagpole. I would be grateful to anyone who could translate it; I suspect it refers to a specific engagement.
This monument commemorates the liberation of Bayeux, the first French town liberated in 1944.
The podium image shows no evidence of tampering. However, it's a gift shop and the flags are not behind glass. It would be very simple to remove the flag from its stand then take the picture. Why would a museum employee, when removing a flag from display, leave an empty stand?
Yes, that's what I'm wondering as well.
The badge image shows no evidence of tampering.
You mean not like this pole thing right? I mean MINE of course. Not the one you found.
None of the images contain EXIF headers, which are added by almost all digital cameras. This suggests that the images have passed through a photo-editing suite.
All of the images are non-standard sizes. I would want to see the allegedly-original images before passing judgement, but these have certainly been editied, possibly maliciously.
There are other information on these pictures indeed. The kind I don't want to display on the Internet.
Got a problem with that? Too bad.
Viewing the rest of the site suggests that this guy really has an axe to grind about France.
Wrong. But there's a large part of the French intelligentsia with which I strongly disagree.
From all this I conclude that all pro-war individuals are liars, and that the plural of "anecdote" is "proof".
Wow. That was a brilliant demonstration that leads you to a brilliant conclusion. Let's learn another word: generalization.
It's not a very nice word, when applied to people you know.
Thanks anyway for finding this other picture. We shall remind the URL you were kind enough to provide:
Now maybe you could find the other two?