past past history....look the whole point should be people who have and love freedom fight and die for it, for thier own countries and other countries who love freedom too...American soldiers died in Europe fighting for other countries.
Why? because we fight for freedom...and so do other countries who love freedom.
Americans just cant understand why France is not willing to fight for their(and the worlds) freedom now.
Political correctness?
Unthinkable to be on the side of America?
France sees no threat of Jihad?
I, as an American, really dont understand the reasons.
But it seems most likely, it is all about not being on America's side, no matter if we are on the side of good, as evidenced by France's support of Arafat and Hamas Mugabe, Saddam...2/3rds of the French wanted Saddam to win????? That is disgraceful...and totally shocking...are you guys being brainwashed by the politically correct and the islamic leaders?
I mean how in the world can you want Saddam to win?
Regardless of whether you thought the war was right or wrong...I mean cmon..did you see how he lived and treated his people?
You wanted him to continue that just so you could defy America?
That pretty much explains France's position I suppose.
Defy America, whether what they are doing is good or bad.
Thats how France makes its decisions? Whatever America is for, we are against?