the dissident frogman

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A comment by Nicholas D on Tertian Fever ♠ Fièvre Tierce

Next year, we'll commemorate the 60 years of D-Day and the beginning of the liberation of Europe, from the West (on the East, the Red Army led a conquest war, multiplying the exactions. Not a liberation one). There's a book called, I believe, "Other Issues" that you might want to check out. It has documented evidence of Eisenhower's deliberate policy of starving to death 700,000-750,000 German POWs to "teach the stuck-up Germans a lesson." Despite food shortages at the end of the war, many of the POW camps had crates of food piled high, in deliberate sight of the prisoners. However the camp guards were under orders (from Eisenhower) to shoot on the spot anyone who tried to offer food to them. Testimony is given in the book from US soldiers who, after being disgusted by what they saw at German concentration camps, believed their nation was better and attempted to feed the POWs from their own rations, only to be told that if they tried it again, they'd be executed. As for the treacherous French not supporting the war in the Gulf, check what America's first military act involving France, in WWII, was. The first military action the US took, after the fall of France, was to seize some free French fishing islands in the atlantic. Islands which, I believe, never quite got returned. Attacking other nations on the sole basis of the history taught within one country, especially one where history is edited as selectively as in the US, tends to lead to a lot of profoundly hypocritical statements. Yes, the USSR did keep most of the territory it roled through, rather than liberate it. At the same time, stopping Hitler was a vastly more important goal than the territorial acquisitions. To imply that one nation is right while another wrong, especially when distorting emphasis and missing other historical fact, is to do a massive disservice to the orders of magnitude larger numbers of Russian men and women who died fighting just as heroically, just as honorably as those from other nations. In short, the bureaucrats behind every nation commit acts that disgust all humanity, from the safety of seats of government miles from any front. While attrocities may also occur amongst them, the men and women who lay their lives on the line deserve respect regardless of race or creed. If there is one thing history teaches us - all men are created equal. Hating or devaluing on national grounds, be it the French abusing Americans, Americans abusing French or attacking Russians, is to miss everything those brave sacrifices teach.

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