Private -- actually, holding my breathe might not be such a bad idea; the beater truck is over 20 years old, has a cracked seal and an exhaust that needs to be fixed; she's a bit of a monster but she hauls really well(I think I may have to post a pic of her on Iowahawk's thread for Earth Day cruising...and if your a motorhead, I sincerely believe you need to check out Iowahawk, there's some bitchin' machines on display there; his commentary isn't too shabby either).
As for my vocabulary, I apologize ahead of time -- 12 years of teaching English has left me with poor grammar and even worse spelling, go figure. My grandmother can take all the blame for the words I use and misuse -- her method of controlling a rambunctious 7 yo. on home snow day leave (as she couldn't keep me outside all day) was to make said youngster go through every "It Pays to Enrich Your Word Power" in a quite sizeable stack of Reader's Digest, that and look up countries and their capitols on the living room globe (which I remember sticking pins in, for no reason other than perverse caprice, and for which I was promptly and decidedly spanked).
Private -- actually, holding my breathe might not be such a bad idea; the beater truck is over 20 years old, has a cracked seal and an exhaust that needs to be fixed; she's a bit of a monster but she hauls really well(I think I may have to post a pic of her on Iowahawk's thread for Earth Day cruising...and if your a motorhead, I sincerely believe you need to check out Iowahawk, there's some bitchin' machines on display there; his commentary isn't too shabby either).
As for my vocabulary, I apologize ahead of time -- 12 years of teaching English has left me with poor grammar and even worse spelling, go figure. My grandmother can take all the blame for the words I use and misuse -- her method of controlling a rambunctious 7 yo. on home snow day leave (as she couldn't keep me outside all day) was to make said youngster go through every "It Pays to Enrich Your Word Power" in a quite sizeable stack of Reader's Digest, that and look up countries and their capitols on the living room globe (which I remember sticking pins in, for no reason other than perverse caprice, and for which I was promptly and decidedly spanked).