the dissident frogman

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A comment by unknown jane on Political philosophy clearance required

It all makes perfect sense in the Gramascian/Marcusean/Derrida-ese/Foucaultist/Zinnean/Chomskyite (add any more appropriate culture groupings to this list, it's a long one) definition of "the universe and how it works".

By studying the thought patterns, folkways, mores, religion, and vernaculars of these related social groups you will understand how a Nazi not only becomes defined, but IS, IS WE SAY, most definitely as a right winger (and possibly a Republican as well...but definitely not just a nutjob). Capitalistic Jews, Guidos, Uncle Toms/Aunt Jemimas, Rednecks, Apples, Twinkies, June Cleavers, breeders, and Cholos are also right wing/Nazis, as are in the closet homosexuals, Bible thumpers, independent small businesspeople, farmers, people who support the rights of the mentally/physically handicapped to live, junk food eaters, smokers, drinkers (beer definitely, liquor and wine according to brand and condition of consumption) and I believe sea kitten killers as well...all certifiable members of the great, right wing, Nazi conspiracy according to the quaint and colorful mythogenisis of the GMDFZC and affiliated societies.

aka, things that make you go "hmm"

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