the dissident frogman

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A comment by Howard Veit on spanking Sunshine Of My Life ♠ fessée Soleil De Ma Vie

EEEEKK IT'S THAT HORRIBLE SOCIALISM Posted 5:35 AM by Howard Did Socialism kill old people in the French heat wave? Did capitalism kill all those people in the Chicago heat wave of 1995? Did Democracy kill everybody in the big freeze of 1947? These are moronic statements but Virginia Postrel, you, and the rest of the New Right would like to blame Socialism for the French deaths this time. You could credit socialism for keeping those old farts alive past their time, but nobody wants to say that. You could blame the French weather for being so mild for 100 years that nobody anywhere had air conditioning, but you don't hear that. Ask yourselves this: How many people would die in Los Angeles if the temperatures dropped to 20 degrees and stayed there for thirty days? Would you blame the Democrats? Capitalism? Republicans? Come on. Thinking like that is an intellectual fraud. What would everyone in LA say if the mayor came out for totally new building codes for everyone everywhere so the population could be ready for twenty degree weather? The European heat wave hit a part of the earth that up til this year has been blessed with mild climate for hundreds of years. Naturally they were unprepared for a heat wave. There are too many people "on the so-called Right" with too much time on their hands

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