Yups. That's me. And the honour is mine. Though a perpetual frequenter of your site, I hadn't written you before simply because I hadn't figured out the true meaning of that lttle rectangle below your posts (unfortunately the 2 or 3 damaged braincells I have left deal somewhat better with words than images). Oh, and let me tell you too, I've the honour of being a Brazilian poet translated into French and published in France by, among others, Europe and Action Poétique, besides having a slim volume of my own published by CIPM (Centre International de Poésie de Marseille) under the title of "Stup". I've been writing about what things look like here for my Brazilian newspaper, Folha de S.Paulo, and I sincerely hope the French diplomats there have not been following my columns. But I've been infuriating quite a few of my readers whose thinking was formed but what's worst right here. I'm happy to belong to the growing number of people who'd like help showing Old Europe the way back (or maybe for the first time) to real democracy. Let me tell you that I love your work and am happy to see that it is not limited to a 35 hour week. (And thanks for remembering that text about the poets).