the dissident frogman

Reader comment

A comment by the dissident frogman on Bloglobalization ♠ Blogobalisation

Hans ze beeman: at first sight, I would say that German needs more space than French indeed. You have such terribly looooong words. But do you have the same looooong phrasing as the French, or could German be more efficient in expressing the same idea in shorter sentences? I'm not a linguist and I don't speak German so... Just my 2 cents here. Alva: glad to see you around, the honor is for me. And oh! You must be kidding me right? There is no reason why you should ask for permission. On the very contrary. If my blog has been any kind of inspiration for you, it's not a peeve but a pleasure, as far as I'm concerned. That said, yep, you're trapped. Now you must live up to our fair but ferocious and demanding audience's expectation.

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