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Another of those "Arabs" who are "not ready for our Western democratic model" I imagine:I share with President Bush and all of the American people human sentiments and desires for freedom, democracy and propagation of democracy, human rights, right of ownership and right to form a civil society.Freedom, democracy and its propagation, human rights and right of ownership (which is, coincidentally, one of the most important human right - if not the most important - from which the others result naturally) and right to form a civil society.
Fathi Eljahmi, Libyan dissident
That's it, the list is fairly exhaustive.
I'd say Mr. Eljahmi is more than ready for the democratic model, and he can't possibly be the only voice in the Arab world.
After all, just like Iraq's WMD, it's not because Blix the Goblin can't see them that they don't exist.
Talking about Goblins, would Mr. Chirac care to repeat that pearl of wisdom he used to lecture North African victims of their totalitarian states with? What was that "first" human right of yours again Jack? "to eat, to be cared for, to receive an education and to have housing.", wasn't it?
Or to put it in Radia Nasraoui's way, to "eat up and shut up"?
Nothing very surprising from the man ruling this Socialist Wonderland though: "To eat, to be cared for, to receive an education and to have housing", is not "the first of the human rights", but the UberStatist's dream. "Please, do shut up. All you need is a food voucher and see, I'm the one who delivers. Here you go, stop complaining."
Ironically enough, it should actually go rather well with Ms. Nasraoui's husband, ruler of the Tunisian Worker's Communist Party... Yeah, it's a dog eat dog world.
Anyway, I, for one, certainly hope that SpookyMan Gadhafi won't be allowed to trade his weaponry against his dictator's seat and get away with it, as the jailed dissidents seem to fear.
Fortunately, Mr. Chirac is not President of the United States (you knew it too, didn't you?), and the declarations of the actual President are quite far from Jack's Eat Up, Shut up:
As long as the Middle East remains a place of tyranny and despair and anger, it will continue to produce men and movements that threaten the safety of America and our friends. So America is pursuing a forward strategy of freedom in the greater Middle East. We will challenge the enemies of reform, confront the allies of terror, and expect a higher standard from our friend.For his opponents, Mr. Bush presents a major flaw: that damn cowboy, he keeps doing exactly what he says.
Yes, unlike Flip-Flop John and yes, in the problem at hand, we can only rejoice over it.
It may take some time, particularly since it become more apparent everyday that America will have to take this road without Europe (bare Great Britain and a good part of Eastern Europe maybe. Okay, let me recast that: without Europe's Socialists from both the Left and the Right) who is pandering to Middle East tyrants.
However, I'm pretty confident that in the end, Mr. Eljahmi and his people, just like former dissidents from another East, will see the fall of their tyrants, and the restoration of their natural rights.
For the benefit of us all, and once again, thank to America.
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