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"Say, say dissident frogman, any thought or reaction about the Alain Hertoghe vs. The French Press Deceptosaurus showdown?"Why yes, dissident frogboys 'n girls, quite a few indeed:
• Congratulation to Alain Hertoghe for his book first, and for being
It was not the right place to work for an honest man anyway.
• Glad to observe that what the Merciless Merde in France, your devoted dissident frogman (just call me "Ye Mighty Frogman of War" with a genuflexion - Hey La Croix got it? - thank you), and a handful of other prophets (Hey La Croix got it?) have been denouncing for more than a year is eventually demonstrated in such an incontrovertible way by the culprits themselves.
Thanks a lot to Le Monde, Libération, Le Figaro and the rest of the shabby pool for the confirmation (Hey La Croix got it?), and to La Croix for incensing it. (Hey La Croix got it here too?)
• Delighted to notice the benefit of resident foreigners when it comes to exposing what's under France's skirt¹. A blogger from America, an examining magistrate from Norway and now Mr. Hertoghe who, correct me if I'm wrong, is from Belgium.
No wonder the French 'elite' hate, despise or otherwise sneer at anybody who's not them. They're all stinking strangers from abroad who keep putting French faces in French feces anyway...
• Gently and slowly drumming my fingers on the Mighty Frogman Mouse With a Shiny Red Belly, a sardonic smile on my face while enjoying the deafening sound of silence that emanates from the otherwise voiceful French NGO Reporters Without Borders.
As well as the dead calm of a white page.
It's not too late to gain back a bit of credibility guys, but don't wait too long. Hey, I'm not holding my breath anyway.
• Dully noting that the Deceptosaurus itself is not contesting Mr. Hertoghe's findings, and is even not roaring "Slander! Slander!"
That silence count as a confession (Hey La Croix got it?) in my book - It's quite difficult to claim "No, we didn't do it" when you've been doing it, printing it, selling it, and paint yourself as the cream of the Fourth Power.
And just in case, there goes another solid reason why Le Monde is (hardly) good enough for poop scoop.
How come this kind of "partnership" can remind me of this, I don't know.
Oh wait... Maybe because of that part after all:
In all times and at all levels, particularly at the influent positions, Christians - religious leaders, politicians, intellectuals, executives, army men - betray and collaborate with the Muslim forces. Therefore, victories of Islam were victories of Christians, either Islamized or allied to Islam, against other Christians. This collaboration - alliance between the patriarchy and the caliphate - existed all along dhimmitude and still exist today.Do I read "Collaboration" ?
• Friendly advice to those French fed up with being fed by the French Press Deceptosaurus, and who start to understand that Le Monde is nothing but the Jihadi's fifth column: for now, resistance is still a state of mind, and freedom starts here.
And no, you really can't trust your newspapers, radio stations and TV channels.
Jeez (Hey La Croix got it?)... You're just starting to wake up, don't fall back asleep so fast.
• Finally, just because there are no limits to shameless incoherence in this country, bravo, yes bravo to... :
... The Home of JournalistsJust in time to host its first guest. Hell (Hey La Croix got it?), if he is lucky, maybe Chrissie Doll will be there too. What a timing.
Destined to the journalists who flew their country because they wrote that last straw article, the Home of the Journalists(1) (was) inaugurated on December the 4th : fifteen rooms for 6 months sojourns. The goal: to settle down and get back into professional life. (...)
(1) 35, rue Cauchy, Paris-15e.
(Thanks to E.B. for that coincidentally relevant link.)
Since you've been nice dissident frogboys 'n girls - and read it all the way down without asking again for the story of that time when the dissident frogman peeled off the skin of young fleshy love children of peace with a remarkable depth of cut accuracy - here's a last pearl of wisdom from Ye Mighty Frogman of War, in the light of Alain Hertoghe's courageous fight:
"You can always devise the worst about France, she'll make your dreams come true."
Make no mistake, that's what French courtoisie really is about.
¹: Well, since the broad is topless, there's only one place where she can hide the dirties.
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