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France: crappy diplomacy, worse economy, under the rule of creepy-crawlies characterized by a tameless tendency to be wrong and persevere.And when our wine itself is tweaked and adulterated I believe all that's left to save Le Prestige de la France® and recover our well deserved rank on the international scene, is our luxury and cosmetics creators and industry.
To that end, I'm glad to introduce a new sensuous fragrance from Paris, scented with exotic blossoms in an audacious and distinctive bottle, appropriately named "Irrelevance".

This was unilaterally created by a coalition of three weasel hunters: Cowboy Bob from Axis of and the Watcher from Watcher of Weasels came up with the original concept, your devoted dissident frogman took care of the artwork.
Sort of a... ferretstroïka I guess.
Cowboy Bob and the Watcher threatened me with another UN resolution, should I ever toss this appalling pun again but I don't care - I hired Mohammed Said al-Sahaf and I'm all set now.
"We shall slaughter them all. God will barbecue their bellies in hell. We'll trap and beat them everywhere. I triple guarantee you, there are no Cowboy Bob or Weasel Watcher in the dissident's dacha."
And the airport is still mine, right Mo?
There are wallpapers for your computer (800x600 or 1024x768) a button and an animated gif banner for your website.
"What they say about a breakthrough is completely an illusion."
Easy Mo, easy.
Comments thread (4)
1805 - Frances
1806 - Antonio
1807 - the dissident frogman
the dissident frogman France
1808 - ROD