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Briefly, and since I'm told the subject of Che Mouse on a Shirt was raised here:This is probably one of the longest standing issues of this blog, and it's been a thorn in my side for years now. I've always meant to sustain this site (and fill a war chest to expand it) by mean of selling some of my stuff, rather than beg my readers to tip in, or clutter the pages with (somewhat) related ads — I know for a fact that my Mi-Che Mouse spoof can interest many potential customers; and I want to see this on tee-shirts probably more than you do.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to work out a satisfying agreement to have these produced — up until now(1).
This is one of my most pressing (if not "the most pressing") priorities regarding the dissident frogman — and I can already say it's finally coming along together: following rather extensive discussions with the ever helpful guys at Gorilla Guerilla Inc., we've solved the production and shipping issues, and only have a few administrative questions to arrange.
Bottom line: the official dissident frogman's Che Guevara with Mickey Mouse ears tee-shirt is (at very long last) coming.
That, and possibly a few other counter-counter-culture vilenesses of my own design...
Comments thread (9)
2315 - Iwo Gina
Iwo Gina Maryland
Woohoo! Can't wait to get mine - I might even wear it to the next company picnic! I hope they come in a range of colors... wouldn't want to ruin my ensemble by having my Che Mickey shirt clash with my shoes and bag (I'm such a slave to fashion!)
2316 - KL
I'm crossing fingers and hoping for a Frogman coffee mug to place prominently on my desk at work. (Pleeeease!!!)
2317 - Mike H.
Mike H. Spokane, Wa
Yeah but Mickey Marx is Da Man. You might think about a Happy Lenin, he of the clown visage. Clown collar, bulbous nose. Just a thought.
Or maybe Happy Joe Stalin.
2320 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
Froggy! Just tell us where to send our ducats, lyre, crowns, krugarans, greenbacks, or yuan. We will be sporting FroggyWear in a heart beat.
2327 - Ben USN (Ret)
Ben USN (Ret) Washington State, USA
I look forward to wearing your classy shirt (which will be mine, of course, after I buy it)!
Do they come in haze gray?
2333 - PierreLegrand
PierreLegrand Baton Rouge
2440 - senor_doeboy
I did like to see this T-shirt you're offering. It be perfect for the next Maxist/Earthday/Lovefest at my University. It would cause all those watermelons to split wide open in envy and rage.
2498 - moloko4
moloko4 Miami, FL
i'd buy one too. hell, i'd buy one for my 3 year old. so make sure you trow in some kiddie sizes there too. :)
3932 - Mark
I have been searching for a Che with Mickey Mouse ears T-shirt for the last 3 years. Please! Give us more details.