the dissident frogman

17 years and 3 weeks ago

Christmas with an X

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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J.C. (not affiliated with the Official Christmas Eve Celebration Person) :
“The Dissident Frogman with disturbing holiday imagery.'

Disturbing? Oh God, it's the beard right?

Yeah, I knew that was a bit too much.

Oh well. For the record, this...
“Any day a bulldog gets to sniff another dog's pee is bulldog Christmas.”

... Is very incorrect.

To any dog, another dog's pee is not a gift but an open territorial dispute and a hierarchical challenge in the making. In short, not a gift but an outrage (and a smelly one with that).

A dog's Christmas is sniffing anything at all and finding it's either food, a pal or a bitch(1). As a result, a dog's Christmas happens more often than a human's one, which is possibly what makes dogs such a bunch of good-natured fellows we so enjoy having around — unlike, say, Mohamed the Islamic Fascist who never gets any Christmas at all but the promise of 70+ afterlife sex-slaves with absolutely no former humping expertise whatsoever. Talk about a raw deal.

I mean, the worse that can happen with Christmas presents, is that Auntie Jane forgot the friggin' batteries.

Apart from that little hiccup, a nice roundup of Christmas links J.C. Just spend less time with cats if you intend to lecture on dogs, okay?
  1. In the veterinary understanding of the word, of course.



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Comments thread (6)

3162 - Rogue Gunner

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Please let it not be X factor.

3166 - Stepperg

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  • Stepperg California USA

I like it very much. I thought it was the best Christmas card I received this year.

Thank you!

3169 - Grimmy

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  • Grimmy Where I'm at.

I liked the Merry Christmas post card too. If you're meaning the pic on the previous thread.

I can't stand wishy washy folk, and your pic said "have a Merry Christmas! or I'll follow you home, strap you to a chair and entertain you to pieces!

Said it like yeh meant it. That's never a bad thing.

Where does the light go, when the light goes out?

3171 - bonmotdot

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"unlike, say, Mohamed the Islamic Fascist who never gets any Christmas at all but the promise of 70+ afterlife sex-slaves with absolutely no former humping expertise whatsoever. Talk about a raw deal."

May I interject an inimitable but dissenting quote from a Lance Corporal in Iraq:

"There could not possibly be 71 virgins awaiting them in Heaven -because as our Hymn says "The Streets are Guarded by United States Marines"

3172 - nyexpat

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  • nyexpat left coast

Yes- Best Christmas card this year!

anyway-72 concurrent cases of PMS? Now that's a christmas present fit for a muslim!

3181 - 2hotel9

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  • 2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania

Perhaps Jules needs to get out more?