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I guess that's all you can expect, when you pot-smoke yourself to soft-a** social-democratic death while keeping the gates of multicultural Hell wide open:Holland 'governed by fear of Islam'I find the comparison with Mein Kampf quite unfair to Mr. Hitler: he was far less prone to self-serving contradictions and illiterate ramblings than Mr. Mohammed with his Koran, but I get Mr. Wilders' point.
A politician has warned that a "fear of Islam" is governing Holland after he delayed the release of a short film attacking the Koran.
Geert Wilders, 44, the leader of the Dutch Freedom Party, who compares the Muslim holy book to Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf, sparked government panic after saying the anti-Islam film would be released tomorrow.
Oh and that fear of Islam is not just governing Holland, but extends to the rest of the once mighty Europa, British Isles included, unfortunately.
You've got to love the Dutch government's crisis management strategy though :
Iran's parliament, the Majlis, this week warned of "extensive repercussions from Muslims throughout the globe" if the film was broadcast.Which of course is pointless; it should be obvious by now that the only thing that can ever defuse "Muslims throughout the globe" is for Holland — and the rest of the globe — to drop its legal, judicial, constitutional, cultural and political systems, and submit to Sharia law.
In an attempt to defuse tensions, the Dutch government will tomorrow announce that it will not implement a ban on the Islamic burqa dress.
Of course, come to think of it, "not implementing a ban on the burqa dress" could be seen as a first step in that direction.
The smell of soiled Dutch underwear in the morning.
Smells like... Well, Dhimmitude.
Comments thread (29)
3234 - Citizen Dane
Citizen Dane
3235 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
Good on ya, Squareheads!! I'll be heading out to purchase some Danish made products as soon as the ice clears here.
3236 - Citicen Dane
Citicen Dane
3237 - Iwo Gina
Iwo Gina Maryland
Hotel: I'll see your Havarti and raise you two Danish Butters!
3238 - TooTall
TooTall Utah
Citizen Dane - I'm sure that the readers on this site are quite aware of the brave stand that the Danish have taken against the attempts at intimidation that Muslin extremeists are making. Everyone on here IMHO is well read and aware of what's going on around the world. Add to that the fact that The Dissident Frogman has gone out of his way to keep everyone informed in a most humourous way about the stand of the Danes against terrorism which is so exceptional compared to the rest of Europe. Be assured that your stand is not only noted but also applauded. Please pass along my respects to your fellow citizens.
3239 - Mike H.
Mike H. Spokane, Wa
Dane, I think the best cartoon is the one the muslim imam drew about the dog doin' big Mo. I personally think that Jyllands-Posten should hire the muslim imam to show everyone else how to do it right.
3240 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
What is a name brand liqour from Denmark? With the impending collapse of international trade I want to stock up! Got plenty of those delish canned hams and kippered herring, need to round out the whole Danish experience.
3241 - Citicen Dane
Citicen Dane
3242 - Iwo Gina
Iwo Gina Maryland
I've managed to do the impossible and register at LGF, but DF - you're still my favorite blogger and this is still my favorite site. I miss you, Froggy - hope you come back to the cyberworld soon and grace us with your wit and wisdom!