the dissident frogman

17 years and 4 weeks ago

Everyday Hero stands up to Al Gore the Scaremonger

the dissident frogman

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An Inconvenient ruling for Al Gore's Global Fear Factory: the former US Vice-President turned Enviro-Bogeyman won't be allowed to terrify little British children with impunity and the helping hand of the most Orwellian side of Her Majesty's Brownies.
Schools will have to issue a warning before they show pupils Al Gore's controversial film about global warming, a judge indicated yesterday.
And the hero who stood up against his children's indoctrination and brainwashing is Stewart Dimmock, a "lorry driver from Dover with children aged 11 and 14"
Stewart Dimmock said the former U.S. Vice-President's documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, is unfit for schools because it is politically biased and contains serious scientific inaccuracies and 'sentimental mush'.

He wants the video banned after it was distributed with four other short films to 3,500 schools in February. (...)

The outcome marks a partial victory for Mr Dimmock, who had accused the 'New Labour Thought Police' of indoctrinating youngsters by handing out thousands of Climate Change Packs to schools.
Thus I bid you Sir Stewart Dimmock, champion of Truth, and a proud descendant of Saint George, slayer of the dragon to whom younglings were offered as human sacrifice.
David Miliband, who was Environment-Secretary when the school packs were announced, said at the time: 'The debate over the science of climate change is well and truly over.'
You serpent! Not until the fat lady sings it ain't.

And not as long as Sir Dimmock has a spear to thrust.



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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (38)

2797 - Iwo Gina

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  • Iwo Gina Maryland

Mike: I find it difficult to talk about certain public figures without getting acid indigestion. All liberals, the majority of Democrats, and a handful of Republicans fall immediately into this category. I used to be naive enough to think that the Dems were motivated by good intentions. Now, however, I am more inclined to think that they are not as public-spirited as I was willing to give them credit for. I am very suspicious of any "issue" that a Dem adopts as a personal cause - not only because they usually end up asking for "research funds" (i.e., another bite out of my take-home pay for something I will never in my lifetime benefit from), but also because of the mountain of misinformation that spews forth in an effort to legitimize the issue. They are masters of spin. I could go on, but I'm fresh out of Tums.

Iwo Gina

2799 - Red Collar

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  • Red Collar Montreal, Qc, Can

I'd like to share something I found this week. As you may or may not know, David Suzuki is Canada's champion on Kyoto. He has been on the CBC tv station since the 70's and has been on the Kyoto bandwagon since it appeared.

Now, I offer you three podcasts that I found. The first is David Suzuki getting angry at the interviewer for simply questioning the data supporting Kyoto.

The second is a rebuttle to Suzuki's interview by Dr. Timothy Ball.

The third is a conference given by Dr. Timothy Ball that answers a few questions about CO2.

All podcasts are in english.

Believe it or not, I love this planet and I care for the environment. But I'm not an expert. The more I know about it, the better I can fight the BS. We can all learn something and shape our own opinions about it.

That's the best way to fight Al Gore. An Inconvenient Truth should NOT be in schools.

Kudos to the Judge who turned it down.

2800 - Iwo Gina

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  • Iwo Gina Maryland

Red Collar: I listened to all three podcasts - fascinating stuff, and great Site, by the way. Thanks for sharing. I just want you to know that I will probably be forwarding those links on whenever I feel that someone needs to hear them. My tummy is a little calmer now.

Iwo Gina

2801 - Grimmy

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  • Grimmy Where I'm at.

Red Collar:

Good find and well posted.

Unfortunatly, The Cult of Glowball Warm-mongering has nearly reached mainstream acceptance. The useful idiots that have already fallen under the spell of The Algore and his Profits of Doomination are legion.

There's some organized resistance to the malignancy that is the Algore and his Profits of Doomination.

Where does the light go, when the light goes out?

2802 - Red Collar

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  • Red Collar Montreal, Qc, Can

Thanks guys. I didn't know if I was being pushy.

But consider this: I don't know Tim Ball, I discovered him in the movie "the Great Global Swindle", but for all I know, he might be crazy. I just don't know him.

But I did learn something new the other day. And he does tell his audiance to make their own minds with the info he passes on.

Oh, and just the fact that Al Gore's movie is being pushed into school curriculums, that's telling you something about what is considered mainstream. Rosie O'Donnel was mainstream for a while...

Going "mainstream" is not synonymus with Good.

2803 - Grimmy

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  • Grimmy Where I'm at.

Red Collar:

If you haven't already, do look into the history and foundations of the major "enviro-movements". You'll find them heavily populated with disenchanted marxists from the '60s and '70s, for the most part.

By disenchanted marxists I mean the ones that felt marxism wasn't quite misanthropic enough. The more hard core enviro groups have no problem with being very up front with how they believe that humanity must be punished and the human population greatly reduced.

Some of the groups have given up on the more marxist/athiest rhetoric and adopted a mishmash of neo-paganism and "nature worship".

In many instances, radical enviroism is taking on all the aspects of a religious cult.

Where does the light go, when the light goes out?

2804 - Mike H.

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  • Mike H. Spokane, Wa

Iwo Gina, in a word, yup!

Sorry about the tums shortage. ;)

2805 - Mike H.

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  • Mike H. Spokane, Wa

Red Collar, it appears that the largest amount of vocal debunkers are from Canada. For instance, in addition to Dr. Ball there is Steve McIntyre at He has a number of scientists collaborating on analyzing Dr. Hansen's data from NASA. DR. Hansen (who is one of the most vocal scientists on Anthropologically induced Global Warming) has had to restate his conclusions concerning the hottest year on record. There are other aspects of Mr. McIntyre's work that will come out as he validates or invalidates the work at NASA. I don't have a hard science background so I follow the conversations and leave the numbers to them.

2806 - Arch

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I believe in caring for the environment, but Gore's movie is pure propaganda. It's about the government taxing us and further regulating our behavior.

There are some odd facts about this debate. If CO2 levels follow rise in temperature, how can they be a cause? During the Holocene Normal, temperatures were 8° higher than today. How did the polar bears survive it? and why didn't Europe flood? Why did 70% of this century's warming occur before 1940, well before the increase in use of fossil fuels? Finally, what did the computer model do when they corrected the bad data NASA gave them?

Below are some interesting links. Don't miss #5.

1. Professor Reid Bryson, Climatologist. Dr. Bryson is the father of climate science.

2. UK Channel 4 - British Skeptics.

3. CBC: Global Warming, Doomsday Called off (5 parts)

4. Professor Bjorn Lomborg, Economist. Tells the world we can't afford the solve it.

5. The Guy from Boston on Global Warming. (Mature language and drink no liquids while watching his video. They will be explosively expelled through your nostrils.)

2807 - Red Collar

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  • Red Collar Montreal, Qc, Can

Awsome links, you guys. I'm usually watching out for terrorists, but this is amazing.

Iwo Gina, glad you enjoyed that as much as I did. Love your name, BTW.

Gimmy, we'll have a talk someday. I'm right there with you man. I think you understand "them" better than I do. Expcept that I think we see the children of these people now. Liberals, Democrats and Socialists who don't know about maxism any more but keep going. Cult-like behaviour? I agree.

Mike H, yeah, they can keep the numbers, that's over my head too. Good link also. But you say that many debunkers are in Canada? I don't see them, man. The city of Montreal is creating "environment jobs" and pushing recycling to a new level.

Arch: Even if you're a guy, I LOVE YOU. Wow. Go #5! All your links were off the hook.

QUOTE OF THE DAY (from your link to The Faithful Heretic): "You can go outside and spit and have the same effect as doubling carbon dioxide."

Bwaaahahahaha, take THAT, Suzuki !!!