the dissident frogman

20 years and 6 months ago

Frogman's Pigswear

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

Article content

Article copy

I know he's an undead (yet) terrorist but, as Hanz Ze Beeman (nickname) found out in his natal German blogosphere, it's not a reason for not caring for poor old Arafat, the:
(...) father, grandfather, son, uncle, husband brother-in-law, best friend.... whatever. Yes, I know what you want to write: He's also a terrorist and murdered or is responsible for the murder on oh so many innocent people. Yes, that's true and that is what will make the world without him a better place, sure, but it is still absolutely tasteless, styleless and ... impossible behaviour to bet on someone's dead.
Notice the critical "Yes... But...".
The author of this "thing" is a German blogging under the nickname of "Lilli Marleen", defining her/him/itself as "mostly left", who apparently - or shall I say "consequently" - fails to comprehend simple ethics concepts.

Yes Lilli, yes, I got your point. And Hitler was such a good man for animals and little children. What a shame that so many people wished him dead.

Anyway, unlike Lilli Mostly Left Marleen (Lilli Living Ludicrousness?), in my own Personal Book of Ethics, it's a perfectly possible behavior to bet, wish for and whenever possible actively help the termination either slow and painful or fast and brutal of any declared terrorist such as Arafat.

And as far as style and taste are concerned, well, Lilli, I'm French and we French invented style and good taste, haven't we? We are style and good taste, as our French President of France can confirm.

So I'm offering Arafat a fine French fashion suit.

You know the drill: grab it, host it on your server and use it at your heart's content.

Article copy (alternate language)

Je sais qu'il n'est (encore) qu'un terroriste non mort mais, ainsi qu'Hanz Ze Beeman (pseudonyme) l'a constaté dans sa blogosphère allemande natale, ce n'est pas une raison pour ne pas se soucier de ce pauvre vieux Arafat, le:
(...) père, grand-père, fils, oncle, mari beau-frère, meilleur ami.... peu importe. Oui, je sais ce que vous voulez écrire: il est aussi terroriste et à assassiné ou est directement responsable de Oh tant de gens innocents. Oui, c'est vrai et le monde sera un meilleur endroit sans lui, c'est sur, mais c'est absolument de mauvais goût, sans aucun style et... un comportement impossible de parier sur la mort de quelqu'un.
Notez le critique "Oui... Mais...".
L'auteur de cette "chose" est un(e) allemand bloggant sous le pseudonyme "Lilli Marleen", se définissant comme "surtout à gauche", qui apparemment - ou devrais-je dire, en conséquence - échoue à appréhender des concepts éthiques de base.

Oui Lilli, oui, j'ai bien compris. Et Hitler était si bon pour les animaux et les petits enfants. Quelle honte qu'autant de monde ait souhaité sa mort.

Quoi qu'il en soit, contrairement à Lilli Surtout à Gauche Marleen (Lilli La Blague Vivante ?), dans mon propre Livre d'Ethique Personnelle, c'est une attitude parfaitement "possible" de parier, souhaiter et même aider activement à l'élimination, lente et douloureuse ou rapide et brutale de tout terroriste déclaré, tel Arafat.

Et concernant le style et le bon goût, eh bien Lilli, je suis français et nous français avons inventé le style et le bon goût n'est ce pas. Nous sommes le style et le bon goût, ainsi que notre Président français de la France pourra le confirmer.

J'offre donc à Arafat un superbe costume de style français.

Vous connaissez la manoeuvre : prenez le, hébergez le sur votre serveur et utilisez le à l'envi.



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the dissident frogman

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Comments thread (6)

868 - Beo from Oklahoma

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  • Beo from Oklahoma

I know you intended the pigskin to defile Arafat's bloated corpse in the afterlife, but did you ever once stop to think about the poor pig? I mean, being buried for all eternity wrapped around Yasser Arafat? It is a shame to have to defile a pig in such a way.

869 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Beo: I'm saddened that you could think I would use coercion against anybody - including a pig - to carry such a terrible burden. And I thought I repeatedly demonstrated, in these very pages, how respectful I was of individual freedom and responsibility. What a dishonor. What an infamy. Please feel relieved to learn that the pig volunteered, of his own free will. Confronted to his glorious decision, all I could do was bow down and commend him for his sacrifice. Brother Pig, let it be said now and here: thou shall not have wrapped Yasser Afatcrap in vain!
Time to take sides

870 - Stan LS

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Hah! Good one!

871 - hans ze beeman

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DF, thanks for bringing this thing to the light of day as well. In German, we have the word "Gutmensch" for such behavior (i.e., "equidistance-out-of-ignorance", bleeding heart liberal), is it "bon-homme" in French? Sorry, my French has become rusty recently... OT: You probably will already know this:,3367,1716_A_998157_1_A,00.html The fact that your fine president represents both France and Germany - even if just for a few hours - doesn't make me feel comfortable.

872 - Valerie

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Wie Gates Hans, My German has gotten very rusty, along with my French , these past months. How would one say "Lemmings" in German? Because if our respective countries continue following the Gutmensche path in dealing with terrorists we are doomed.

873 - Papertiger

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I find this German revisionist history deplorable but understandable. The high percentage of people who believe the US gov. was culpable in 911, In my mind many of these people are probably actually directly culpable in WW2. The Germans of that era are Grandparents probably retired with some time on their hands and a deep seated need to absolve themselves of guilt. What would you do in their circumstance? I can't really tell what I would do. I see a parallel in America in our relations with blacks. Some white people are overwhelmed with guilt (misplaced in my view) for the slavery and civil rights violations of the early 20th century. Thus we have spawned Micheal Moore and his ilk. If you ran a survey I am sure at least 20% of white people would report some amount of hostility toward blacks (completely unreasoned and caused by unassimilate guilt for past injustices). The same is true of blacks in America. Some percentage of blacks feel they are intitled to special treatment because of something that happened to their ancestors. This is not based in reality either. The facts are people of any color are so monumentally better off for their being in America that it eclipses how they got here. Compare a black Americans life to a native Africans, and they are lightyears better off. Yet still the guilt remains. Coloring peoples view. I don't think much of the conspiracy theorist and the amount of books that are sold. If you go by count of books sold in America some 20% probably believe our greatest war in the future will be with hostile space aliens from Alpha Centari. By the way there's a market for people who believe the CIA killed Kennedy. Ask Oliver Stone.