the dissident frogman

20 years and 7 months ago

Hippy Zombies Must Die • Les Zombies Hippies Doivent Mourir

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Article copy

Thank God, the "anti" war movement keeps deploying inestimable efforts to demonstrate how irrelevant it is.

One year ago, I was disgusted and infuriated by the depth of the sewers in which their minds wander, and came up with this banner.

One year later, I praise the work and commend the sacrifices of the men and women of the Coalition, I'm grateful to the world leaders who stood by the decisions that led to the liberation of Iraq and I notice that, just like last year, the "opposition to war" is heard in London, New-York or Madrid, but not really in Baghdad.

One year ago, I was sick and furious. Now I'm laughing at them.

After all, Saddam is not here to finance them anymore.

I understand you could legitimately feel offended by this guy for instance. One year ago, I would have been as well.

But now, drawing confidence from the outstanding work that's being done in Afghanistan, in Iraq and more discreetly in other places, I truly I believe we should cherish pictures like this. The more we see them, and talk about them, the better.

They just prove how right we are. •These people being obviously morally disabled, their kinship with the zombies of Dawn of the Dead (at least, in the original version. I still have to see the 2004 one) is now apparent. And with the remake already playing, it was more than enough for the dissident frogman to hack you up a couple of graphic candies to adorn your computer screen and, whenever possible, entertain those who are friends and annoy those who are just acquaintances (yes, you know who I mean. Them.)

Frogwomen & Frogmen, let me introduce "Dawn of the BrainDead"
Choose you favorite size, pass the link along and be happy.



Just in case you'd want to play the "Before/After" game, you will find the original material here ("Downloads/Desktops" section)

Article copy (alternate language)

Dieu merci, le mouvement "anti" guerre continue de déployer des efforts inestimables pour démontrer à quelle point il est inconséquent.

Il y a un an, j'étais écoeuré et enragé par la profondeur de l'égout dans lequel errent leurs esprits, et j'avais réalisé cette bannière.

Un an plus tard, je loue le travail et honore les sacrifices des hommes et femmes de la Coalition, je suis reconnaissant aux leaders mondiaux qui s'en sont tenus aux décisions qui ont conduit à la libération de l'Irak et je remarque que, comme l'an dernier, "l'opposition à la guerre" se fait entendre à Londres, New-York ou Madrid, mais pas vraiment à Bagdad.

Il y a un an, j'étais écoeuré et furieux. Aujourd'hui je me ris d'eux.

Après tout, Saddam n'est plus là pour les financer.

Je comprend que l'on puisse légitimement se sentir offensé par ce type par exemple. Il y a un an, je l'aurais été également.

Mais maintenant, puisant de la confiance dans le magnifique travail en cours en Afghanistan, en Irak et en d'autres endroits plus discrètement, je crois réellement que nous devrions chérir de telles images. Plus nous les voyons, et plus nous en parlons, mieux cela vaudra.

Elles prouvent simplement à quel point nous avons raison. •Ces individus étant manifestement moralement déficients, leur parenté avec les zombies de Dawn of the Dead (la version originale pour le moins. Il me reste à voir celle de 2004) est maintenant apparente. Avec le remake déjà dans les salles, c'est plus qu'il n'en faut pour que le dissident frogman vous taille une paire de petits bonheurs graphiques afin que vous puissiez orner vos ordinateurs, et à tout instant amuser vos amis et irriter vos connaissances (oui, vous savez de qui je parle. Eux.)

frogmesdames & Frogmessieurs, permettez moi de vous présenter "Dawn of the BrainDead"
Choisissez votre taille favorite, passez l'adresse et soyez heureux.



Juste au cas où vous voudriez jouer à "Avant/Après", vous trouverez les matériaux d'origine ici (section "Downloads/Desktops")



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the dissident frogman

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Comments thread (8)

1883 - Joe

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Excellent! Bravo! The notion is brilliant!

1884 - Jihad Jay

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Not just Brilliant. This is fucking genius. After seeing the movie, we thought of doing something similar at I guess great minds think alike! Great job.

1885 - Planet56

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When does the 2nd movie come out ?

1886 - The Ugly American

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  • The Ugly American

Heeeeehh!!! Excellent...

1887 - Zachariah

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This cracked me up. Looks like protestwarriors might have some new posters. Great work.

1888 - J'aime pas le likoud

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  • J'aime pas le likoud

(ci-gît le commentaire stupide d'un jeune crétin sans grande imagination)

1889 - aaron

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Thats the most beatiful thing ive ever seen!!!! LoL I want to join the army when i turn 18. only 1 problem, all of my friends are anti-bush hippes, they think everything is about oil! to make it worse, my brother and my mom feel the same way. the only person supporting my is my dad. Everytime i bring up the miltary in a conversation with my friends, they say "why do you want to be a meat-shield grunt?" this gets me SO angry i want to kill them!!!! MAN I HATE HIPPIES!!!!! sry, i just had to get that out!

1890 - aaron

Comment author avatar
Thats the most beatiful thing ive ever seen!!!! LoL I want to join the army when i turn 18. only 1 problem, all of my friends are anti-bush hippes, they think everything is about oil! to make it worse, my brother and my mom feel the same way. the only person supporting my is my dad. Everytime i bring up the miltary in a conversation with my friends, they say "why do you want to be a meat-shield grunt?" this gets me SO angry i want to kill them!!!! MAN I HATE HIPPIES!!!!! sry, i just had to get that out!