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Bombing attempts in London: a Mercedes loaded with petrol, gas cylinders and nails, and parked outside a nightclub - plus a second Mercedes with the same load in Park Lane. Both devices, according to the Binladen Broadcast Company, are "similar" and "clearly linked". The money quote, however, goes to Scotland Yard:"It is too early to speculate who might be responsible, and we are keeping an entirely open mind."Could be, I don't know, The Brazilian Electrician Liberation Army perhaps?
Glad to know Scotland Yard is on the case. Would be a pity if we were to blame that poor Muslim community again...
That was fast. Reuters can't keep an entirely open mind and already hints at the poor Muslim community: REUTERS. Car bomb echoes al Qaeda's "Gas Limos Project".I'm very disappointed in you Mr. Reuters. That's hate speech and Islamophobia that is.
Comments thread (15)
2080 - pistache
The Electrician Liberation Army? Who knows... This morning, I was awaken by the stupid & pc belgian radio news - saying the recent australian arrest seemed to point towards the "medical track" because 5 or 6 of the 8 people arrested are linked to the medical world. Yeah, and I bet 8 on 8 are members of the "Religion of Peace", but don't mention that!
I found back the source of this brilliant journalistic analysis, it seems to be an AFP news (see for ex. [url=][/url]). But at least this news item use inverted commas...
Anymay, beware of the Physicians Army!
2081 - the dissident frogman
the dissident frogman France
Well spotted pistache. And of course, that these physicians might have been "sleeping" jihadis demonstrate two things:
- that the Left's argument on poverty as the root cause of terrorism is plain bullshit (we already knew that though, this is just one more piece of evidence.)
- that these guys could follow the difficult way of learning how to cure people and tend to the wounded and the sick, while at the same time — and covertly — be ruthless murderers and terrorists, only shows how morally corrupt they are.
But then again, it's just about slaughtering infidels, so that's ok by their (holy) book — and they only follow their prophet's example...
2087 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
The funny thing is, these are all college educated "intelligent" men. And they totally fucked the dog on this op. The 3 stooges and Mr Magoo could have done better. Then again, they were all Jews. Perhaps that is the problem? Al Queda needs to do some EEOC recruiting, mayhaps.
2089 - Iwo Gina
Iwo Gina Maryland
The funny thing is, these are all college educated "intelligent" men.
Does this mean the left can't use the excuse that "poverty and lack of education breeds terrorism" any more? Last time I looked, doctors made a pretty decent living wage. And you can't get into medical school, let alone graduate, without a high degree of intelligence.
2219 - Star-Wolf
Star-Wolf France
Probablement des gamins qui voulaient jouer à GTA London grandeur nature (moi aussi, j'ai toujours apprécié le coup de la voiture piégée au milieu des passants ou de la circulation).