the dissident frogman

20 years and 10 months ago

Peacemaker ♠ Pacificateur

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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I hope Jacques Chirac received this one loud and clear:
"There's no food anywhere," said Fanny, a Liberian refugee who had trudged for two days to reach the stadium. "People are dying. The Americans must come. We want peace."
"The Americans must come. We want peace."

Not France, not the U.N., but the Americans.

Just in case Jacques "Comrade Saddam's Peace Champion" Chirac didn't get it: no matter the historical relation between Liberia and the United States, this comes as another example in the long series of "A man - and by extension a nation - is defined by his acts, not his cloying gesticulation on the international scene for the sole benefit of rogue states and totalitarians empty words."

Article copy (alternate language)

J'espère que Jacques Chirac a reçu celle-là haut et fort :
"Il n'y a plus de nourriture nulle part," a déclaré Fanny, une réfugiée Libérienne à qui il a fallu deux jours de marche pénible pour atteindre le stade. "Les gens meurent. Les américains doivent venir. Nous voulons la paix."
"Les américains doivent venir. Nous voulons la paix."

Pas la France, pas l'ONU mais l'Amérique.

Juste au cas où Jacques "Champion de la Paix de l'Ami Saddam" Chirac n'a pas eu le message : nonobstant la relation historique entre le Liberia et les Etats-Unis, c'est là un exemple supplémentaire dans la longue série de "Un homme - et par extension une nation - se définit par ses actes, pas par ses écoeurantes gesticulations sur la scène internationale au seul bénéfice des états voyous et des totalitaires ses paroles creuses."



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the dissident frogman

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (3)

157 - Sophie

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pour atteindre le (pas la) stade je pense... Très bien quand même.

158 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Edité. Merci qui ? Merci Sophie!
Time to take sides

159 - Aaron

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Today on CNN, they showed the hungry Liberians receiving rice donated by Taiwan, Republic of China. You know, the country that was not allowed entrance into the W.H.O. So, Taiwanese donations save lives in Liberia, but the world (excepting a few allies) feels Taiwan should not have medical assistance in the time of SARS.