the dissident frogman

16 years and 11 months ago

Quote "The Jewish community is becoming a ghetto"

Then again, this is Europe.

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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From France — the country that, according to its former president Jacques Chirac just a few years ago, is not anti-Semite — comes more signs of what is definitely reading as "a general shift, not a passing crisis":
Jews Fleeing Paris Suburbs
Over a period of just three years, roughly half the Jewish families in Villepinte have left. Some have gone to other suburbs or Paris neighborhoods considered safer for Jews; a few have left the country.

Of 300 families three years ago, only 150 remain today, community president Charly Hannoun estimates.

The reason, he says, is anti-Semitism.


All of France is experiencing the problem, says University of Paris sociologist Shmuel Trigano, the author of "The Future of the Jews in France."

"It is a general shift, not a passing crisis," Trigano says. "The Jewish community is becoming a ghetto. It is no longer a community of choice but a community of necessity. In a democracy that shouldn't happen."
anti-Semitism indeed, and unsurprisingly in large part from the people who brought you World War III1:
(...) many Sephardic families make a direct comparison between this migration and their families' flights from North Africa some 40 years ago.

"They chased us from Algeria and they followed us here," Robert Sebbane, 81, says of the North African Muslims responsible for much of France's anti-Jewish crime.
It's important to keep in mind that this is part of the global Islamic strategy, and Jews are targeted first simply because… They always are2. But the Religion of Peace has plans for the rest of us, in what some already call Eurabia, don't worry.

Now is the appropriate time to quote Pastor Martin Niemöller I suppose. You know, "First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I wasn't a Jew...

All is not lost however, and for some of them at least, it seems that French Islamic Fascism will turn to be a blessing in disguise:
In 2002 Hannoun's son, Olivie, 40, moved with his family to Miami from France because of anti-Semitism.

Olivie Hannoun says he misses a lot about home, but his three children have become accustomed to life in the United States.

"They can't understand that it can be difficult to be a Jew elsewhere,” Hannoun says. “They don't know what that is, which is exactly what I wanted.”
Every now and then I stumble on the words of the average U.S. Lefty who think s/he's being smart and will shame and infuriate the conservatives — re the immigration issue — by asking "Hey, what happened to 'Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore...' ?"

Well here they are, smartass.

Oh, and a final disclaimer

A full (Jewish) family of my own friends took the flight to rural Western France from a Western Paris suburbs a few months ago, choosing nearly 4 hours of daily commuting over Life in the Gallic Caliphate. Granted, that's just circumstantial evidence, but hey...
  1. Or indeed IV, if you count the Cold War.
  2. Nope sorry. No matter how hard I try, I can never find any other reason or explanation than "because they always are". This irrational hatred will remain one of the greatest mysteries of humanity, as far as I'm concerned.



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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (10)

3325 - Matt

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Every now and then I stumble on the words of the average U.S. Lefty who think s/he's being smart and will shame and infuriate the conservatives — re the immigration issue — by asking "Hey, what happened to 'Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore...' ?"

I like to think of poems on statues being the law as well...

3327 - 2hotel9

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  • 2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania

It is truly scary that people do not accept that "soft" Jihad is happening all over the Western world. The slow, inexcerable incroachment of Shari'a and the steady destruction of individual rights is just as dangerous as overt terrorism. And people blindly toddle along, whistling past the graveyard, pretending nothing is wrong. This ranks right up there with enviro Marxism, and both have made common cause during the last 10 years. And any who oppose them are ridiculed in public, and targeted in courts and media.

3328 - TooTall

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If you have a strong stomach here's a link to a video of a speech by Saudi "scholar" Dr. Walid Al-Rashud:


In it he says that the holocaust involved 50 - 60 Jews and admits "we will not be satisfied even if all Jews are killed."

A real winner!

3330 - Arch

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As a frequent participant in the Paris Air Show, I found the best route from my hotel near La Madeleine was Metro to Saint-Denis. When emerging from the subway, you might think you were in Cairo. The muslim riots also engulfed this area.

What will happen in Europe? Will the Islamists assimilate? Will Europeans accept Sharia?
Will the Europeans rise up and expel this quiet invasion?

3331 - Matt

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As a frequent participant in the Paris Air Show, I found the best route from my hotel near La Madeleine was Metro to Saint-Denis. When emerging from the subway, you might think you were in Cairo. The muslim riots also engulfed this area.

I can point you towards many other urban areas of the E.U. that seem more like the Middle East than Europe. It is saddening to see my homeland going down like that.

What will happen in Europe?
The natives will leave/give up/convert/bitch and moan but do nothing.

Will the Islamists assimilate? Not a chance.

Will Europeans accept Sharia? Quite probably.

Will the Europeans rise up and expel this quiet invasion?
Unlikely. Every generation the Muslim population of Europe will more than double (natural increase almost ensures a doubling, but then you also get that mass immigration on top) whilst the native population will halve (or worse) each generation (1 child per couple plus the effects of emigration). Islamic participation in politics also seems to be increasing, so most politicians will bend over backwards to get a piece of that expanding demographic (see recent election results in the Netherlands and Belgium for excellent examples of this increased Muslim electoral activity in action). If anything were to happen politically (in an electoral sense), I'd guess it's pretty much now or never. As for any physical (and non legal) attempts to resolve the situation in our favour.....I just don't see it.

Just my opinions.

3332 - Matt

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I thought this may be of interest:


3333 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France


Interesting map, though it's lacking a bit in terms of coordinates. Launching JDAMs at random could be perceived as a waste of taxpayers' money.

Just as an aside: I wouldn't put too much interest or trust in a site that runs friendly interviews with despicable French Nationalist assholes such as P-M Couteaux (the French European MP who proposed to give nuclear weapons to the Arab world in order to "even" the game against Israel)

I let your comment pass moderation because I have no reason to believe that you're of that kind, but if the row between Gates of Vienna and Little Green Footballs (Charles was right to advise caution, if you ask me) can teach you something, it's "beware of European politics, as things don't always are what they seems".

I'm just saying ;)

Time to take sides

3334 - Matt

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Thoroughly understandable opinions. Please delete the link I provided.

I have the maps hosted neutrally now:

3337 - Mike H.

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  • Mike H. Spokane, Wa

DF, stipulated.

3339 - Purple Raider

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Why is this happening in an enlightened Europe (it's not just France's problem)?

Because they're - for lack of a better word - Weenies.

They are careful not to reveal the nationalities of the "aggrieved youths", they bend over when imans and clerics yell that they are being picked on, and the highbrow government "intellectuals" feel it's a small price as long as they remain in power.

What I worry about, when France goes Islamic, what happens to their nukes?