the dissident frogman

20 years and 11 months ago

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the dissident frogman

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the dissident frogman

I own, built and run this place. In a previous life I was not French but sadly, I died.


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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (5)

47 - Elizabeth

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I enjoy reading your comments - Frogman! This site is very nice!

48 - Valerio

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Dude your blog is Big! I'm writing from Italy...i know u probably don't care but I felt I HAD TO link your blog! Just one more thing...I think you will like this link: [url=][/url] ; they are for democracy, they support Tibet's struggle for life&liberty and they are pro-America; they don't have problems with this and they are proud of it. (By the way it's a nongov. organization that seats at ONU conference)...keep up the good work! cya! Valerio

49 - Jeannot

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Salut ! toutes mes félicitations pour cet excellent site. Pourriez-vous toutefois nous apportez un peu plus d'informations sur votre parcours et ceux qui poursuivent la lutte pour notre cause aujourd'hui (sos-racaille, colonel X) ? Merci d'avance

50 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Many thanks to Elizabeth and Valerio. I can see that Valerio is at the tip of the spear when it comes to freedom in "a" country near Iraq... I invite those of you who can read Italian to visit his blog Iranwatch. A notre ami Jeannot maintenant... Mon parcours n'a rien d'exceptionnel. Globalement, on part de Platon, "La République", Livre VII. Ensuite, ça s'enchaîne généralement assez facilement. Ca brûle un peu les yeux au début mais on s'habitue vite. Il suffit de soutenir l'effort. Concernant la "poursuite de la lutte" j'ai bien peur de ne pas connaître ce "colonel X" mais avant que vous ne déduisiez d'éventuelles communautés de "causes" et autres connivences entre le dissident frogman et "sos-racailles", je vous invite à parcourir ces deux posts de mon crû : "Collection complète" et "Liberté Variable". Notez ensuite que le(s) site(s) susmentionné(s) ne figure(nt) pas dans mon blogroll. N'y voyez pas là un oubli de ma part. Bien au contraire.
Time to take sides

51 - Valerio

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I'm writing these few lines just to tell you that I'm changing The Iran.Watch section of my blog. I'm doing it in both Italian and English, so that even you (dissedent frogman) and some Iranian bkiggers could read it! ;) tnx again! ciao, Valerio