the dissident frogman

12 years and 7 months ago

Rock-solid predictions for 2012

the dissident frogman

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A few hours here before we slide into the Last Year of the World as we know it, (at least according to a bunch of stone-age primitives who weren’t clever enough to invent the wheel—and yet, supposedly managed to predict the unpredictable centuries before it’s supposed to happen) so this year, I feel like joining the New Year’s Predictions club.

If, coincidentally, the world really ends in 2012 I will not look like a complete ass at the same time next year. That’s a bonus.

So here goes:

The world will not end

However,  the witch-doctors, cargo cultists, snake-oil salesmen and other global warming prophets will have a great year, as just about anything can and will be interpreted as signs of the coming Mayan Apocalypse.

There will be a war in the Middle-East.

Then again, tell me when there isn’t one.

Expect major protests and possibly riots in France.

Not by the average working French, mind you. He is just scared shitless of losing his job and will buckle up and take every tax increase the State will toss at him this year. He’s never the one who goes on strike and protest, as he is too busy scrapping a living.

Those who do and will, however, go on rampage in the streets of La Belle France are a different class of Frenchmen: idle and dependant on the taxpayer’s money. In other words the unemployed and other government workers—both of which France has accumulated in vast numbers.

When the money runs out—as it will this year—they are the ones with both the time and experience to light up the French street.

The Euro and possibly the EU, at least as we know them, will crash and burn. And die.

Okay, that’s as much a prayer as it is a prediction.

It’s a presidential election year in France, and the French will re-elect a Socialist as president.

That one is easy: all the candidates are (yeah, including Daddy’s girl, Front National’s Marine le Pen.)

I will rebuild this site and start blogging regularly again.

Okay, that’s more a prayer than a prediction.

Call it a New Year resolution then.

Oh, and a Happy and Prosperous New Year to you all!



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the dissident frogman

I own, built and run this place. In a previous life I was not French but sadly, I died.


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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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4569 - unknown jane

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Hey, you're back! Yes, I am very happy to see this.

4621 - Vallette

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  • Vallette Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Three out of six so far ... not bad. Just make sure the last one stays fulfilled - this is an excellent blog.