the dissident frogman

20 years and 5 months ago

Rolling and... Action! ♠ Moteur! Action!

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

Article content

Article copy

While striking a pose and playing your scene for the avid Occidental Palestinian Terror Promoters PR, please remember the explosives safety regulations, Ma':
An explosive article is an article which contains one or more explosive substances. Examples of explosive articles include ammunition, detonators &uzes, grenades and fireworks.
And that, oh surprise, includes suicidal scumbags explosive belts as well.
Explosives can normally be stored only in a place registered or licensed under the Explosives Act 1875
And that, oh surprise, does not include the underside of your baby daughter's bed Ma'.

"Grandmother, what big hands you have!"
"Mère-Grand, comme vous avez de grandes mains!"

Yeah, I'm laughing but it's nervous.

(Link via Merde in France and LGF)

Article copy (alternate language)

Tout en prenant la pose et en jouant ta scène pour les avides AP Promoteurs Occidentaux du Terrorisme Palestinien, merci de te remémorer les règles de sécurité des explosifs Mère-grand :
Un explosif est un article qui contient une ou plusieurs substances explosives. Parmi les explosifs on trouve les munitions, détonateurs & mèches, grenades et feux d'artifice.
Et cela, oh surprise, inclue également les ceintures explosives de sacs à merde suicides.
Les explosifs peuvent normalement être stockés uniquement dans les sites enregistrés ou licenciés sous l'Acte des Explosifs de 1875
Et cela, oh surprise, n'inclue pas le dessous du lit de ta petite fille Mère-grand.

"All the better to belt you with, my child."
"C'est pour mieux te ceindre mon enfant"

Ouais, je rigole mais c'est nerveux.

(Lien via Merde in France et LGF)



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the dissident frogman

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (5)

971 - Jennifer

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Jesus!, uh...Mohammed! Those look like boat oars!!!

973 - Papertiger the Californian

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  • Papertiger the Californian

If she gave you a slap, your grand children would be born cross-eyed.

974 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

The wide-angle lens was pretty obvious indeed, at least for anybody a bit familiar with photography. That makes this "pro" photographer (as noted, thank to Dan's link) even more ridiculously biased. It's not a full blown fish-eye but still, another evidence that there's a lot of fun to be had with wide angles... I just couldn't resist the analogy with the little red ridding veil though (yeah, yeah, I mean hood). The wolf won't devour Grandmother. She is the wolf.
Time to take sides

975 - Joe

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Isn't it sick that we're no longer surprised by the photo on the right - the contradictions are amazing: 1) a perfectly programmed child who's more than ready and willing to drink the kool-aid. 2) making the peace sign with her hands 3) wearing (real or entirely decorative) explosives - VERY chic this season...