the dissident frogman

21 years and 8 months ago

Settling down ♠ On s'installe

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

Article content

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It's been a freakin' nightmare. I had to transfer all the content by hand, post by post.

But hey, I'm not complaining.

The good thing is that I fixed all the links to the artwork that were previously broken consequently to the use of free (but not guaranteed) web space services.
Now everything is here, safely hosted in the dacha.

Well, in the Propaganda Bureau actually.

The wallpapers, the Kicks and Bites (that includes, for instance, a certain counter-propaganda chart showing who armed Saddam), the subversive flyers, the campaign material, the flicks (remember Jacques "Wormsey" ChIraq?) and the merchandising (I know you want one of those Tees).

As for my diatribes and other virulent abuse of my personal colloquialisms, they will be stored and offered to your appreciation here, in the dacha.

Two specialized blogs, multiple categories.

Can you adumbrate the rise of a New (dissident frogman's) World Order?
Order everywhere
I reorganized my blogroll. I added many people I wanted to add for quite some time and I don't remember removing anybody.

But since it grew to proportions incompatible with the most esteemed Steven Den Beste's conception of the efficient blogroll, and considering that I've been brave (or fool) enough to tame the Beast (I mean the blogroll dummy!) with my bare hands, I hope I didn't forget somebody in the transfer.

As any French civil servant, stand up for your privileges 'acquired benefits'. Don't hesitate to protest vigorously if you were a VIP in the former dacha and can't find your seat here anymore.

I also added a hodgepodge of non-political links, just in case you'd care for a change sometimes. There's a bit of everything, from the coarsely funny that every decent people should definitely avoid to the deeply moving.

This chaotic medley is cautiously organized under "Other ♠ Non political".

The new word in my new world is order.

So how do you like it?

Article copy (alternate language)

Ce fut un putain de cauchemard. Il m'a fallu transférer tout le contenu à la main, post après post.

Mais bon, je ne me plains pas.

La bonne nouvelle c'est que j'ai réparé tous les liens vers les visuels qui étaient morts en raison de l'utilisation de stockages web gratuits (mais sans garantie).
Tout est ici maintenant, en sécurité dans la dacha.

Enfin, dans le Bureau de la Propagande en fait.

Les fonds d'écran, les Coups et Morsures (ce qui inclue, par exemple un certain graphique de contre-propagande montrant qui a armé Saddam), les tracts subversifs, le matériel de campagne, les clips (qui se souvient de Jacques "Wormsey" ChIraq?) et les marchandises (je sais que vous voulez un de ces T-shirts).

Quand à mes diatribes à base de virulents idiotismes personnels, elles seront stockées et offertes à votre appréciation ici, dans la dacha.

Deux blogs spécialisés, de multiples catégories.

Pressentez vous l'émergence d'un Ordre Nouveau dans le Monde (du dissident frogman)?
l'Ordre partout
J'ai réorganisé mon blogroll. J'y ai ajouté beaucoup de monde que je souhaitais y voir figurer depuis quelque temps et je ne me souviens pas avoir retiré qui que ce soit.

Mais étant donné qu'il s'est étendu hors de toutes proportions considérées comme efficaces selon la conception que s'en fait le très estimé Steven Den Beste et considérant que je suis assez brave (ou fou) pour tenter de dompter la Bête (je parle du blogroll noeunoeud!) à mains nues, j'espère n'avoir oublié personne dans le transfert.

Comme tout fonctionnaire de l'Administration Française, défendez vos privilèges avantages acquis! N'hésitez pas à protester vigoureusement si vous étiez un VIP dans la vieille dacha et ne retrouvez plus votre fauteuil.

J'ai également jugé bon d'ajouter une mixture de liens non politiques, juste au cas ou vous auriez envie de vous changer les idées. Il y a un peu de tout, cela va du grossièrement drôle que toute personne de bon goût se doit d'éviter au profondément émouvant.
Ce chaotique mélange est soigneusement organisé sous la rubrique "Other ♠ Non political".

Le nouveau mot dans mon nouveau monde est ordre.

Alors, qu'en dites-vous ?



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the dissident frogman

I own, built and run this place. In a previous life I was not French but sadly, I died.


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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (10)

37 - Neal

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Nice new digs you have here DF. Keep up the outstanding work.

38 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Hi Neal,
You were the first to sign the guestmap on the old site and you're the first leaving a comment on the new one. (When it's officially open).

I'd call that a good omen.
Time to take sides

39 - Mark

Comment author avatar
Love your weblog. Keep up the good work.

40 - Timothy

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Looks good--looks very good, but then, who would expect anything less? I'm honored to be on the new blogroll, un-Den-Beste-like though it may be. Keep up the marvelous work.

41 - Malthusiast

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Salut DF! Wish I could be there to toast you with a bottle of red (from le pays de B!) The best I can do--for now--is send some telepathic bubbles of Taiwan beer. Courage, mon poteau! Best, M

42 - sarah

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Lovely new digs, was wondering when you would get around to posting again. Nice to have you back. You do such a nice job of skewering the malcontents all across Europe, but a most wonderful job on your own kind. Sarah

43 - Erne

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Hey, DF, the new site looks great. Thanks for the anti-Den Bestian blog mention. (g)

44 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

"anti-Den Bestian" ? Oh no, absolutely and definitely not.
All I meant was that, unlike the man behind USS Clueless, I have to compensate my mediocrity by the amount and excellence of the people and links making my blogroll. And thanks for being a regular in my new dacha Ernest.
Time to take sides

45 - Solomon

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The place looks great! Free is nice, but there's something to be said for your own URL and people who are accountable to you pay them! Keep up the great work, and thanks for adding me to your roll!

46 - srinivas.m

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hello sir ihade intrested to do job in denmark any one help me your faithfuly srinivas.m