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As you may know, the ultra privileged 25%¹ of the French workforce who live at the expense of the rest of us, just decided to give up with working simulations and get back to their default mode once again: strike.The reasons they certainly formulated for that are not really important, and the bottom line is always something in the spirit of "less work, more pay, no responsibility for what we do and what we don't, and hey, you cunts keep paying the bill all right?"
All of that thank to various state enforced monopolies that allow these thugs to regularly take the rest of the society hostage².
Sounds great huh? You bet. So I've just decided that I'd give it a shot as well. After all, you never know: in a broken society such as the French one, maybe these bastards are right. You have to grab what you can, while it last. That's probably what the unions, journalists and politicians down here call a 'solidary society'.
So let's see. Having a long experience in the observation of the French civil servants and their ways, I believe that to be as successful as they are, my course of action should be as follow:
A. In order to achieve the same power over the rest of the plebs, I shall demand that this blog be nationalized, and once it's done, in order to protect the State's best interest, that blogs and blogging be declared the sole prerogative of the dissident frogman (time to take sides). By law.
Every other blogs shall be declared illegal, and the trespassers prosecuted by all means and force of the state.
Until then, I'm on strike.
B. The state securing my monopoly on the blogosphere, and this blog being a public service as a consequence, I shall demand to be granted a minimum wage to maintain the dissident frogman (time to take sides). Plus compensations, and, say, 70 days of paid (well, yeah, of course) vacations per year. 35 hours week goes without saying. Remember, it's all for the common good.
Until then, I'm on strike.
C. Those wage and compensations granted, they become de facto my avantages acquis ('acquired benefits') which, in proper French, means that they must be upped every year, no matter the state of the budget, the economy or any other necessity of the said public dissident frogman service.
If not - and until then - I'm on strike.
D. From now on, it shall be mandatory for all blog readers to be registered at the (newly created) French Ministry of Foreign and Domestic Blog Affairs, and to visit and read the dissident frogman daily, no matter the frequency of my updates. A minimum and mandatory spontaneous PayPal donation will also be instituted. Attention: someone will be watching, offenders will be fined, and could even be temporarily barred from further mandatory blog reading! (These measures could be extended to all Internet users in the future, as soon as the Internet will pass under French jurisdiction.)
Meanwhile, I'm on strike until my interview with the new minister of the French Foreign and Domestic Blog Affairs to renegotiate the minimum wage and compensations.
E. The dissident frogman being a cultural, intellectual, as well as artistic (and sometimes a bit funny) public service, it shall not submit to any vile mercantile obligation of profit. Just like The World®, Culture is not merchandise, and we, cultural intellectual artists, are not used car salesmen.
It shall be reminded however that this won't call into question my minimum wage and other avantages acquis, at any point.
Just to be sure we're perfectly clear on point E. consider me on strike until I have a signed agreement.
These are my demands, and these are not negotiable. I am now officially calling myself for an unlimited strike (until mid-February or so³) to protest and demonstrate my resolve on this crucial public service salvation issue.
1. Yep, 25% of the French 'workers' actually
2. Minus, as Carine reports here, 65% of grim cretins who actually support them. That would be their moms, and dads, and grannies, and sisters, and brothers, and little cousins Germaine, and friends, and dogs and their Hush Puppies too. Those 25% of civil servant must have a family after all (Which means, among other inconveniences, that they do reproduce. They f*, and so we are.)
3. Which is in fact the serious bit of this post: the reasons why posting was seriously declining here lately just got even more time demanding (that's what happens when you do business with the Anglosphere instead of, say, the French). I was hoping that I could post from time to time, even shorter entries and less frequently, but I eventually had to admit the evidence. I'm getting near the completion of a big project, which means that my business is currently not leaving me enough spare time to post here.
Since I hate the idea that people should come here everyday to find nothing new and no explanation why, I'd rather go officially off the air, although just for a time. I'll be keeping an eye on the dacha of course, but don't expect anything consistent here before mid-February.
Oh c'mon, it's hardly a month from now. You can do it.
People who subscribed to the mailing list will be the first to know when I'm back, so I suggest you either do that or grab the RSS feed, if you're using any kind of news aggregator.
Thank you for supporting the struggle of the public dissident frogman service worker AKA Me. G'd bye for now.
Comments thread (22)
1769 - Tina
1770 - Static Brain
Static Brain