the dissident frogman

21 years and 7 months ago

Tertian Fever ♠ Fièvre Tierce

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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WARNING: A lot of bogus information and falsehood is being relayed, based on some serious misuderstanding of the following article.
Before you jump to conclusions, before you decide to post about it on your site, blog or forum, it is crucial that you read this article that provides essential information on this issue that may not be as bad as it's being reported. Thanks.
Final words from the dissident frogman and miscellaneous apologies here

I'm just coming back from Normandy and still have to unpack, but I wanted to offer you a new game to play, particularly if you're in for a D-Day tour this summer.

If you planned it, you may want to cancel your visit to the Musée Mémorial de la Bataille de Normandie (Memorial Museum of the Battle of Normandy) in Bayeux.

Unless you would like to play this game, I told you about.

It's called: "Guess what's missing at a museum dedicated to the Battle of Normandy, 1944?"

Let's see if you're as good at this game as the dissident frogman:

1) Guess what's missing on an empty pole, around a monument to the liberators in the Museum's park up front?

2) Guess what's missing in an empty space in the lapel pin's display case at the Museum's shop?

3) Guess what's missing on an empty pedestal on top of the Museum shop's checkout, at the exit?

That game is piece of cake right?

I could fire up a ferocious comment but I'm still disgusted by these three "coincidences".
What's more, I couldn't get any lucid and convincing explanation for this "fortuitous" accrual.

But maybe you can:

Bayeux's Mayor office:

The Memorial Museum:
Boulevard Fabian Ware - 14400 Bayeux
Phone : +33 (0)2 31 51 46 90
Fax : +33 (0)2 31 51 46 91

As a reference, the direct link to this post is:

Next year, we'll commemorate the 60 years of D-Day and the beginning of the liberation of Europe, from the West (on the East, the Red Army led a conquest war, multiplying the exactions. Not a liberation one).

I'm sure the Museum's administration or Bayeux's town hall (which, in fact, I suspect to be the same) can come up with a good reason for this weighty absence.

And explain us the game's rules.

From Bulgaria, Jkrank weights in at Sofia Sideshow, with an inspiring template, in case you'd want to ask the Museum's staff to explain the game's rules.

Jkrank is not the mean-spirited type.


Else, he would have written down the address of the Museum and suggested an idea that would add to the already prodigious records of international aid coming from the United States.

He's just too magnanimous in my opinion.

Don't forget about the Mayor's office though.

You might want to have a closer look...

the empty pole
the empty space
the empty pedestal
For our third rate experts in photo editing who swallow without bating an eye the assertions of any given dictator when he swear he's peaceful even though he "slightly" exterminated a part of his population sometimes but detect a plot in humble photos such as the ones illustrating this post, there goes the high resolution versions.
Careful, it's heavy.

the empty pole
the empty space
the empty pedestal

And oh... I'm not going back on that anymore. Those who want to believe these pictures are fakes are probably those who bought Meyssan's lamentable theory. So yeah, no plane crashed on the Pentagone, these pictures have been doctored and the CIA is responsible for all the misery in the world.

Thanks for not leaving your alternative reality too often.

WARNING: A lot of bogus information and falsehood is being relayed, based on some serious misuderstanding of the following article.
Before you jump to conclusions, before you decide to post about it on your site, blog or forum, it is crucial that you read this article that provides essential information on this issue that may not be as bad as it's being reported. Thanks.
Final words from the dissident frogman and miscellaneous apologies here

Expect more about Normandy in the coming days - Joe is fine though, but I have a few things to say and show you about Tommy.

However, coffee first. And unpacking.
Dirty underwear, missing socks to generate a usable pair, joy of the world traveler.

I'm awfully late with the mail. I was before leaving for Normandy and of course, it got worse.
My sincere apology to all the people who wrote me lately and are expecting an answer.

That rules out the pathetic assclown coming from the company that fences the State monopoly on the routing of written correspondence - as a fact, you should be slaving away to pretend you're deserving the salary your employer is stealing partly in my pocket, instead of spending the day browsing the Web and voicing afflictive opinions in a chancy French, you feckless parasite.

Nevertheless I will write back to the friends, I promise.

Article copy (alternate language)

ATTENTION: beaucoup de fausses informations sont actuellement relayées, se basant sur des incompréhensions de l'article suivant.
Avant que vous ne tiriez des conclusions, avant que vous ne décidiez de poster à ce sujet sur votre site, blog ou forum, il est crucial que vous lisiez cet article qui fournit des informations essentielles sur cette situation qui n'est peut être pas aussi grave que cela est en train d'être rapporté. Merci.
Derniers mots du dissident frogman et diverses excuses ici

Je viens juste de rentrer de Normandie et il me faut déballer mes valises, mais je voulais vous proposer un nouveau jeu, particulièrement si vous envisagiez une tournée Jour-J cet été.

Si vous l'aviez mis au programme, vous voudrez peut être annuler la visite au Musée Mémorial de la Bataille de Normandie à Bayeux.

Sauf si vous avez envie de jouer au jeu en question, bien entendu.

C'est : "Devinez ce qui manque dans un musée dédié à la Bataille de Normandie, 1944 ?"

Voyons si vous êtes aussi doué à ce jeu que le dissident frogman :

1) Devinez ce qui manque sur un mât vide autour d'une stèle dédiée aux libérateurs, dans le parc du musée, juste devant ?

2) Devinez ce qui manque dans un espace vide dans la vitrine des pin's de la boutique du musée ?

3) Devinez ce qui manque dans un socle vide sur les caisses de la boutique du musée, à la sortie ?

Super fastoche ce jeu, pas vrai ?

Je pourrais lâcher un commentaire féroce mais je suis toujours écoeuré par ces trois "coïncidences".
De plus, je n'ai pas pu obtenir d'explication claire et convaincante pour cette accumulation "fortuite".

Mais peut-être le pouvez vous :

Cabinet du maire de Bayeux :

Le Musée Mémorial :
Boulevard Fabian Ware - 14400 Bayeux
Tél. : 02 31 51 46 90
Fax : 02 31 51 46 91

A titre de référence, le lien direct vers ce post est:

L'année prochaine, nous célébrerons les 60 ans du Jour-J et le début de la libération de l'Europe par l'Ouest (à l'Est, l'Armée Rouge à mené une guerre de conquête, en multipliant les exactions. Pas une guerre de libération).

Je suis certain que l'administration du Musée ou la Mairie de Bayeux (qu'en fait je soupçonne de ne former qu'une seule entité) peuvent nous donner une bonne raison pour cette pesante absence.

Et nous expliquer les règles du jeu.

De Bulgarie, Jkrank entre dans l'arène à Sofia Sideshow, avec un modèle de lettre inspirateur, au cas où vous voudriez demander les règles du jeu à l'équipe du Musée.

Jkrank n'est pas un méchant homme.


Sinon, il aurait reproduit l'adresse du musée et suggéré une idée qui s'ajouterait au score déjà prodigieux de l'aide internationale en provenance des États Unis.

Il est bien trop magnanime à mon avis.

N'oubliez pas le cabinet du Maire, au fait.
Vous voudrez peut être voir cela de plus près...

le mât vide
l'espace vide
le socle vide
A l'usage de nos experts en retouche à la petite semaine qui avalent sans broncher les affirmations du premier dictateur venu lorsqu'il jure ses grand dieux que ses intentions sont pacifiques même si il lui est déjà arrivé de "légèrement" exterminer sa population mais décèlent le complot dans d'humbles photos telles celles qui illustrent ce post, voici les versions haute résolution.
'tention, c'est lourd.

le mât vide
l'espace vide
le socle vide

Et à propos, je ne reviens plus là dessus. Ceux qui veulent croire que ces photos sont truquées sont probablement les mêmes que ceux qui s'accrochent à la lamentable théorie de Meyssan. Alors ouais, aucun avion ne s'est crashé sur le Pentagone, ces photos sont truquées et la CIA est responsable de toute la misère du monde.

Merci de ne pas quitter votre réalité alternative trop souvent.

ATTENTION: beaucoup de fausses informations sont actuellement relayées, se basant sur des incompréhensions de l'article suivant.
Avant que vous ne tiriez des conclusions, avant que vous ne décidiez de poster à ce sujet sur votre site, blog ou forum, il est crucial que vous lisiez cet article qui fournit des informations essentielles sur cette situation qui n'est peut être pas aussi grave que cela est en train d'être rapporté. Merci.
Derniers mots du dissident frogman et diverses excuses ici

Attendez vous à plus à propos de la Normandie dans les jours qui viennent - Joe va bien, cela dit, mais j'ai deux ou trois choses à vous dire et à vous montrer à propos de Tommy.

Mais d'abord, café. Et déballage.
Sous-vêtements sales, chaussettes manquantes pour générer une paire utilisable, joies du globe-trotter.

Je suis affreusement en retard avec les emails. Je l'étais avant de partir pour la Normandie et bien entendu, cela s'est encore gâté.
Mes excuses sincères à ceux qui m'ont écrit et attendent une réponse.

Cela exclut le pathétique cul de clown en provenance de l'entreprise receleuse du monopole d'État pour l'acheminement de la correspondance papier - vous devriez d'ailleurs bosser pour faire semblant de mériter le salaire que votre employeur vole en partie dans ma poche, au lieu de passer vos journées à surfer et à exprimer d'affligeantes opinions en un français douteux, inepte parasite.

Mais je répondrais aux amis, c'est promis.



the dissident frogman's avatar
the dissident frogman

I own, built and run this place. In a previous life I was not French but sadly, I died.


To reveal my email address, find the 4th  number in the code and enter it in the challenge field below.


The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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Comments thread (209)

376 - dhermesc

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Cheese eating surrender monkeys. The best of France died in the 1914 and the dregs of their society marches on. Not only do they have to worry about the Germans taking over their country without the US backing them up, they need to worry about Finland, Iceland, Bulgaria, and Kuwait. If its a weekend or holiday the Girl Scout Troop 7 coming home from archery practice stands a very good chance of taking and holding Paris. As for America oweing its freedom from England to France, what a crock of sh*t. France looked at the Revolutionary War as a chance to back bite England when she wasn't looking. As soon as the Americans made peace the French got their arses kicked AGAIN! France is still pissing and moaning because the US wouldn't help them recolonize Vietnam in the 50s. Eisenhower said once every ten years was enough.

377 - John Jay

Comment author avatar
Let us be honest. American contributions to the second World War were minimal at best and for the most part inconsequential. Ahem. Boeing B-17 Fortress North American B-25 Mitchell North American P-51 Mustang (A-36 Mustang to the boys in the RAF) I'd say the United States' contribution to the war (even excepting the Pacific theater as we are doing) were quite considerable. US troops landed at Normandy on two of five beaches. Could the Allies have penetrated Europe with only 3/5 the force they had? Perhaps, but I'd have put more money on the defenders in that case. I think Great Britain and the US have a much closer relationship politically, and have since D-Day because our boys were dying with theirs on D-Day. It's harder to forget when someone makes a sacrifice with you than when they make one for you.

378 - TS

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Where the pictures doctored with swatiskas at the graves too? I'd like to say to any French people here, that, as an American, I dont go around bashing French people, I was surprised that they did not want to try bring freedom to Iraq and therefore, possibly bring freedom to the middle east, as a way to combat the world wide Jihad that is happening, whether we want to admit it's happening or not. You see...America was attacked..9/11...Americans feel an urgent awareness of the Jihad, and from what I hear is happening in France, France should be alarmed too, to say the least. Yet it seemed to me, that French people cared more about bashing America and going against any policy(good or bad) just for the sake of defying America. Meanwhile, there is a serious terrorist problem ALL OVER THE WORLD. It was, to me, as if France was our friend after 9/11...but then when America actually wanted to do something about the Jihad, then all of a sudden America is a what kind of friendship is that? You love us when we die? after 9/11..but hate us when we defend ourselves, and the rest of the world too, because defeating the Jihad is not just for America, it is a worldwide Jihad. So you have to understand, we were viciosly attacked, we are not gonna lay down and take it..our enemy is ruthless, and if we show weakness..well the free world is through! France was not attacked on 9/11..and feels differently, I understand that, I think that if it would have been you that was attacked and lost 3,000 innocent people, America would have been there for you, to defeat this scourge of an enemy...but when it came down to it being the other way around, Americans looked at french government behavior as, oh what, you had a bunch of people get killed by Jihad on your soil...too bad.So sad. And well..if it was your countrymen attacked in the way we were, and as evidenced by your strong French unity and national pride, you would have taken offense if you asked America to help you and we defied you every step of the way. As if French lives didnt really matter.And it didnt matter if it happened again...To me it was almost as if the French were saying America got what it deserved, and well, yes Americans took offense,your damn right we did....the same way that if in the future France gets attacked by Islamists, and America sits by and wont help, and actually goes to other countries to tell them not to help France..I would think that the French would be highly upset and feel that we wanted them to be hurt. And if we did that, you would be right...if you guys were devastatingly attacked as we were, and America didnt go to help you, I feel that American citizens would not be supportive of that stance. See, America feels that we(the free world) are in this together...Jihad is a threat to all of us, not to mention the oppression in Islamic lands of muslims is horrendous and has no place in the the 21st century! when France was not for bringing freedom to the middle east(which is what the iraq war was really all about if you see the big picture) then we were like well ok, France has its reasons not to be involved, thats cool, but when you openly defied us by going to other countries and having people like Mugabe and Arafat to France as admirable leaders, that stunned us! How can you not want to fight this evil Jihad? How can you not want muslims to be free from this scourge of oppression? It makes no sense to me...unless France actually agrees with the oppression and Jihad, which would mean you are our enemy. So, I think after that, American's have a problem figuring out just exactly who's side you are on....freedom and justice, or oppression and murder? Does France think its ok that so many muslims are oppressed and taught to hate and kill and are bringing that philosophy to the ends of the earth, violently? Is France willing to sacrifice so many many lives and souls for the luxury of hating America? Does France ignore the worldwide Jihad that is taking place? by way of critiscising America? Does that make you feel safe? I would like tell you, you are not safe from Islamic Jihad, lesser and greater, and if we(the free world) do not band together and quit the petty criticising, we may find our selves in very dire circumstances. Americas woke up to the threat on 9/11, and I hope that the rest of the free world, would go and read the Koran, read the Hadith that tells about muhammeds life and actions, look at the bloody borders of Islam in Africa, Indonesia, Phillipines, Chechnya etc....and realise these "freedom fighters" are not fighting for freedom of anything except submission to Allah...look at your countries and see what the Islamic groups are lobbying the governments for, and the lies they tell about Islam being a religion of peace...speak out for those who cannot..who are under the submission of Allah, and will be killed if they speak out.Or try to convert. And wake up to what is happening in the world. And see the big picture of what America is trying to do in the world. Its not just about Iraq's WMD...that was a way for the world to get involved, and to bring freedom to the Middle East...which is the only way to defeat the Jihad, to bring a voice to all those trapped who have no voice, for fear of death. Sure you will hear wonderful things about Islam in the you think they give passports to people against Islam, or who may be iffy on the they give them to hardcore (lesser or greater) Jihadists. I for one will fight this scourge on humanity, and will not bow to the submission of Allah and Muhammed, I will fight this to the death, as will my fellow Americans...just as we fought Naziism as partners of the free world. In this war, "united we stand divided we fall" applies not only to America, but to the rest of the world who holds freedom dear. Jihad is here to stay, and we must fight it, unless we think the idea of submission to Allah is acceptable...because they will not stop, they will not, unless we stop them. You can not reason with them, only submit. And when nukes and bio and chem weapons enter the picture, it will be too late, you will submit or die. And when our countries pass laws making it a hate crime to criticise(tell the truth) about Islam...then we will be in such trouble. Its coming...look and see.

379 - SparcVark

Comment author avatar
Aha. So, being late to declare war equals a contribution that was "minimal at best"? I recommend you educate yourself on what British leaders at the time, say. . . Winston Churchill, thought of American involvement. Hint: he thought it was awfully important. At the time of both wars, the USA was an isolationist country where there was a strong body of opinion against getting involved in European wars, of which there had been a semi-constant stream dating back to the fringes of recorded history. Jason, you're not doing the reputation of the American educational system any favors. Please clarify more instead of posting inflammatory statements, like "minimal at best and for the most part inconsequential" when you have absolutely nothing with which to back them up.

380 - Randy R.

Comment author avatar
Jason: Was there a different invasion of Europe, liberation of France, and defeat of Germany and Italy that Americans missed because of our "late" entry? Your claim that the American contribution to the war effort was "mostly irrelevant" is idiotic. You need to crack a history book, son.

381 - Bryan

Comment author avatar
The French can dump Budweiser and boycott Mc Donalds and the Americans can dump French wine and rename potatoes. All is fair and trivial. BUT ... Defacing a grave or memorial is beyond comparison. You cannot get any further devoid of morals and decency. I can offer only one explanation - the extreem level of France's insecurity and utter jealousy has reached new levels.

382 - Gary

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If only Jason believed in the "Hollywood" spin on WWII, perhaps he wouldn't stir up such rantings from his fellow red neck American cousins... give us a break! The American s held up the occupation of Berlin, thereby allow the communists to split the country in half.

383 - Jon

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Hey #150, what about all of the times when Americans have booed O! Canada at sporting events? Oh, that's right, it's allowed, because we're the ones doing it.

384 - Sergeant USMC

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To all: Wether the pictures are authentic or not, the fact is, there is a lot of animosity between the French and the US. All of which was stirred up by our recent efforts in liberating a country who's one heard. We heard them loud and clear in the streets of Baghdad. Personally being a U.S. Marine, I am proud and willing to fight for the rights of all men. No matter what country you are from. I have been to France on several occasions, and yes, I was spit on, called "ugly American", and told to go home. Those(emphasis on those individuals) French people left a sour taste in my mouth. However, I cannot hate an entire country for the anti-american views. Hate is a powerful word, people. Many American's did die for France's freedom, true. But we musn't breed hate in America. We are better than that. My fellow American's...we have to start realizing that in order for us to rid the world of terrorism, we must first dispell the hate. That goes for the French as well, and everyone else who enjoys simply living on this planet.

385 - Lazlo

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Let us be honest. American contributions to the second World War were minimal at best and for the most part inconsequential. Although it is quite common for Americans to believe that they alone saved the world during both world wars, the facts portray a different story.--Jason Uh huh. By the end of '41 the French had surrendered, naturally, the Brits were pretty hemmed in by the Germans, and a good part of the Soviet Union was under German control. After the US was dragged into WWII by the Japanese, things began to change as the US poured money, personnel, material and other support into the war effort. Perhaps effete snobs like "Jason" who claims to be American, but spells "defense" as "defence", would like to minimize the US contribution, but the crosses and Stars of David in the US cemetaries in Europe and the Pacific tell a different story. It's unfortunate that the current crop of Eurotrash forgets that.