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WARNING: A lot of bogus information and falsehood is being relayed, based on some serious misuderstanding of the following article.Before you jump to conclusions, before you decide to post about it on your site, blog or forum, it is crucial that you read this article that provides essential information on this issue that may not be as bad as it's being reported. Thanks.
I'm just coming back from Normandy and still have to unpack, but I wanted to offer you a new game to play, particularly if you're in for a D-Day tour this summer.
If you planned it, you may want to cancel your visit to the Musée Mémorial de la Bataille de Normandie (Memorial Museum of the Battle of Normandy) in Bayeux.
Unless you would like to play this game, I told you about.
It's called: "Guess what's missing at a museum dedicated to the Battle of Normandy, 1944?"
Let's see if you're as good at this game as the dissident frogman:
1) Guess what's missing on an empty pole, around a monument to the liberators in the Museum's park up front?
2) Guess what's missing in an empty space in the lapel pin's display case at the Museum's shop?
3) Guess what's missing on an empty pedestal on top of the Museum shop's checkout, at the exit?
That game is piece of cake right?
I could fire up a ferocious comment but I'm still disgusted by these three "coincidences".
What's more, I couldn't get any lucid and convincing explanation for this "fortuitous" accrual.
But maybe you can:
Bayeux's Mayor office:
The Memorial Museum:
Boulevard Fabian Ware - 14400 Bayeux
Phone : +33 (0)2 31 51 46 90
Fax : +33 (0)2 31 51 46 91
As a reference, the direct link to this post is:
Next year, we'll commemorate the 60 years of D-Day and the beginning of the liberation of Europe, from the West (on the East, the Red Army led a conquest war, multiplying the exactions. Not a liberation one).
I'm sure the Museum's administration or Bayeux's town hall (which, in fact, I suspect to be the same) can come up with a good reason for this weighty absence.
And explain us the game's rules.
Jkrank is not the mean-spirited type.
Else, he would have written down the address of the Museum and suggested an idea that would add to the already prodigious records of international aid coming from the United States.
He's just too magnanimous in my opinion.
Don't forget about the Mayor's office though.
the empty pole
the empty space
the empty pedestal
Careful, it's heavy.
the empty pole
the empty space
the empty pedestal
And oh... I'm not going back on that anymore. Those who want to believe these pictures are fakes are probably those who bought Meyssan's lamentable theory. So yeah, no plane crashed on the Pentagone, these pictures have been doctored and the CIA is responsible for all the misery in the world.
Thanks for not leaving your alternative reality too often.
WARNING: A lot of bogus information and falsehood is being relayed, based on some serious misuderstanding of the following article.
Before you jump to conclusions, before you decide to post about it on your site, blog or forum, it is crucial that you read this article that provides essential information on this issue that may not be as bad as it's being reported. Thanks.
Expect more about Normandy in the coming days - Joe is fine though, but I have a few things to say and show you about Tommy.
However, coffee first. And unpacking.
Dirty underwear, missing socks to generate a usable pair, joy of the world traveler.
I'm awfully late with the mail. I was before leaving for Normandy and of course, it got worse.
My sincere apology to all the people who wrote me lately and are expecting an answer.
That rules out the pathetic assclown coming from the company that fences the State monopoly on the routing of written correspondence - as a fact, you should be slaving away to pretend you're deserving the salary your employer is stealing partly in my pocket, instead of spending the day browsing the Web and voicing afflictive opinions in a chancy French, you feckless parasite.
Nevertheless I will write back to the friends, I promise.
No commenting here.
Comments thread (209)
396 - Jef
These photos were and werent doctored.
France is right and wrong.
The US is right and wrong.
If you support France, you are an un-patriotic asshole and a hero.
If you support the US, you are a patriot and a coward.
We know why the flags are missing and we dont know why they are.
We've indentified that most people are not capable of anything coming close to a clear, concise, relevant argument, instead, basing any and all 'logic' on sentiments and emotions.
If the French did take down the flags, that was pretty Crass.
But so are American sentiments expressing the desire to 'bring the boys home', or other equally trite drivel.
The French chose not to support a war (that as it turns out, was waged on the premise that IRAQ had weapons of mass destruction, which have yet to be found) that they did not agree with. So did Canada, so did Russia, so did Germany, so did most of the western world. Everyone but Britain pretty much said "thanks, but no," as is their rights as independent and sovereign nations.
Here in Canada, we are facing unofficial trade sanctions.
We know how the average American treats the French.
It's the same for other countries.
We chose not to support an unjust and unilateral war, which is our right, and the Americans are shitting their pants over it, like they always do.
French take down the flag?
Well, good sir, its the end of the world.
Never mind the fact that their is no obligation to keep it flying...
Plane flies into a building?
Well, good sir, its the end of the world.
Never mind the fact that Europe has had to deal with terrorism on far larger a scale.
(Please note, I am not disrespecting the deaths of any of the 3,000-5,000 people who died in the attack, merely stating the fact that America over reacts to everything)
In conclusion, I dont know if the flags were removed for sinister reasons.
None of us do.
397 - Sean
398 - Patrick
399 - ts
400 - John Jay
John Jay
401 - Nicholas D
Nicholas D
402 - Sergeant USMC
Sergeant USMC
403 - qwe
404 - Binkley
405 - TS