the dissident frogman

20 years and one Month ago

The Difference ♠ La Différence

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Three days ago, in the wake of what appears to be an Islamist attack on Madrid, I wrote:
My first thoughts for Spain, at the end of this bloody day, are strictly identical to those I had for the USA in the evening of 9/11.
Looking at the result of Sunday's elections, I have to admit, sadly, that any subsequent comparison is definitely out of question:
Another Socialist voter, Daniel Rincon, (...) said (...), "but after the attack, getting the PP out became the top priority."

(...) "I voted for change," said (...) Cristina Algema, a journalism student. "After the attacks, I had to contribute to kicking out the PP."
After the attacks in New York or in Bali, and after any attack in Israel, the top priority is to find the bastards who did it and "kick" their ass for good.
The top priority is not "kicking" your own kin, particularly when they happen to be those who oppose the attackers most firmly.

That makes a difference between the lion and the sheep. That makes a difference between a society endowed with vitality and a dying one.

And that's probably one of the reasons why Spain was a great power once, and why America is the great power now.

I hope Daniel and Cristina enjoy the return of the Khilafa. After all, Cristina asked for "change", right sweetheart?

I will spare them the contemptuous remark of my buddy Juan Pablo though.

He said something about cojones that, although appropriate wasn't really flattering for the Spaniards.

Article copy (alternate language)

Il y a trois jours, au regard de ce qui semble être une attaque islamiste sur Madrid, j'écrivais :
Mes premières pensées pour l'Espagne, au terme de cette journée sanglante sont strictement identiques à celles que j'ai eu pour les USA au soir du 11 Septembre.
Au vu des résultats des élections de dimanche, je dois admettre malheureusement que toute comparaison subséquente est définitivement hors de propos :
Un autre électeur Socialiste Daniel Rincon, (...) a déclaré (...), "mais après l'attaque, virer le PP est devenue la top priorité."

(...) "J'ai voté pour le changement," dit (...) Cristina Algema, étudiante en journalisme. "Après les attaques, je devais contribuer à expulser le PP."
Après les attaques à New York ou à Bali, et après toute attaque en Israël, la top priorité est de trouver les bâtards qui sont responsables et de "latter" leur gueule pour de bon.
La top priorité n'est pas de "virer" vos compatriotes, particulièrement lorsqu'ils se trouvent être ceux qui s'opposent aux attaquants avec le plus de détermination.

C'est ce qui fait la différence entre les lions et les moutons. C'est ce qui fait la différence entre une société dotée de force vitale et une qui se meurt.

Et c'est probablement une des raisons pour lesquelles l'Espagne fut une grande puissance, et pourquoi l'Amérique est la grande puissance maintenant.

Je souhaite que Daniel et Cristina apprécient le retour du Khilafa. Après tout, Cristina voulait du "changement", pas vrai mon coeur ?

Je leur épargne cependant la remarque méprisante de mon pote Juan Pablo.

Il a dit quelque chose au sujet de cojones qui, bien qu'approprié, n'était pas franchement flatteur pour les espagnols.



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Comments thread (18)

1287 - coy

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I am a spaniard. I felt proud of my compatriots on Friday because of their solidarity, and generosity, but today I feel ashamed. How coward people can be! Not all of us are chickens, there are 9,630,512 of us who, like me, believe in fighting terrorism, and have expressed that in the ballots. For us, today is a sad day. Chien de vie.

1288 - Papertiger

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Islam won a victory today. How sad that a few assholes with some sachel charges can swing an election.

1289 - RANT

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DF, Perhaps you should withold praise for the US until after the November elections! We will see then whether the resolve of our citizens is still strong. Coy, There is no shame in being in the minority. Especially when you are right!

1290 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Coy: I certainly do not imply that all Spaniards are (neither does my friend Juan Pablo actually), particularly considering the short number of votes that gave victory to the appeasers. Unfortunately, the choice of hardly more than half of them forces everybody (including beyond the frontiers of Spain) to carry a heavy burden and face a renewed danger. This is truly a disaster, particularly for Europe. The fight is not over. It just got a bit more difficult. RANT: I'm comparing both people's reaction to the terror attacks, not their behavior in front of the ballot boxes. I've heard some commenter stating that this was Spain's 9/11. If that is the case - and I would rather agree - then the US fully deserved the praise. Spain on the other hand, has just proved al-Qaeda right to think that they were weak and that two or three strikes would be enough to make them run away. I'm not sure we can afford to offer those scum such a victory. Make no mistake gentlemen: my disappointment is largely caused by the fact that I came to admire the remarkable stance of Spain in this war, up till now.
Time to take sides

1291 - Nightfly

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Maybe the Spanish educational system is rotting away like that of many other Western countries, since these supposed journalism students (!?!) didn't know any history, to wit: what did Saddam Hussein do while in power? Why, he brutalized his own people! (No!) Was it really so long ago that the Spanish electorate can forget? Can they be so unobservant as not to realize that rolling over to the terrorists simply gives them a softer target to hit? It bears repeating: soldiers fight wars abroad so that civilians don't have to fight them at home. I wouldn't want to be killed in a pizza joint or at a shopping mall or in a commuter train, but if that's how it is, I sure as hell wouldn't want my fellow citizens to lift their collective legs over my grave by not fighting back. Voting for appeasers is saying that the deaths of your fellows has taught nothing, and meant nothing. Scoundrels.

1292 - Sasquach

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I feel especially bad for those Spanish soldiers that have died in Iraq. Their own government has labled their sacrifice as part of a "disaster" based on the "lies" of the Anzar and the PP. By every indication of the Milblogers who have met them the Spanish force in Iraq is professional, skilled and steadfast. Shame on the citizens of any land that belittle the courage of such men. We shall see what the Commie, er, I mean Socialists do in the months to come. It is easy to snipe at those in power when you are the minority party. When you are making the policy and responsible for the outcome it is another story. Perhaps reality will visit their world but I won't hold my breath.

1293 - frenchfregoli

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An unexpected winner since 14/3 is the city of Munich.From now on, i propose reffering to "madrilene spirit" or "going spanish". After all chamberllain and daladier bowed to the nazi military might, the spanish(ok, the "la paz" portion of it), surrnedered to 4 bombs.

1294 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

frenchfregoli: Exactly what I had in mind. The whole story has Munich written all over it. I guess we can "safely" assume that in future history books, the day that initiated the fall of Europe will bear last Sunday's date. You're right, this time it started in Spain.
Time to take sides

1295 - steve442193549

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First They Came for the Jews First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me. Pastor Martin Niemöller

1296 - Pato

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Shame on all of you from spain who vote with ill-conceived emotion and ZERO intellectual thought. You have disgraced your dead, you have disgraced western civilization, you have the blood on your hands from all future attacks that these cowards will perpetuate you damn pathetic fools. You on the left lie in the same bed as these jihad virgin-seeking cowards, you have welcomed al-queda into your population within Spain for years as you seek to prop up your aging population and replace the home-grown youth who flea your society. You fools say the "bombs that fell on iraq have exploded in spain" How damn foolish you are to talk this nonsense. The guy who you are all Cabana, towel and Coffee boys for now named bin-laden wants the land of Andalusia back which the Spanish re-took in 1492. You blame the US and Bush for your own failures, you throw a guy out of office who has brought new economic strength to your country. You think the withdrawal of a meager 1300 troops from Iraq is going to be a "bitch slap" to the US? Not even close to reality you fools. You have disgraced the 201 souls that have perished so far by your cowardly retreat into your socialist and nanny-state welfare shell. You show to them by your vote that your hatred of the US and bush is greater than any love you had for the dead. You disgrace the memory of those murdered by permitting a group of bearded cowards who came to your country to seek welfare monies and freedom to effect the outcome of your election. Your pathetic gesture is a disgrace to all the souls who were also maimed and wounded. All of a sudden those in Europe (actually, it's best to refer to it as EUrabia) say they are "shocked" by these murders and will now appoint another "Super Commissioner" to address this "new" terrorist threat. Will this commissioner be given both a Speedo and Red cape to wear for his mission? Where the hell have you people been? What rock has fallen on all of your heads that make you so damn blind to the world, and blind to reality? The people who committed this cowardly act are both spanish and arab. They have been attempting to butcher and kill in your country LONG BEFORE you fools even knew who g bush was. They are living among you like dirty flies at a picnic, simply waiting to apply their brand of Islamo-fascisim to your society. You fools on the left in Spain coddle and embrace these murdering coward monkeys as if they were part "of your struggle against modernity". Shame on you again! as these cowards continue to kill in EUrabia- the blood is now all on your hands. Your actions are a disgrace to modern and progressive/forward thinking people everywhere. To hell with all of you. Your country and the full EUrabia land was THE training ground for those who killed 3,000 US office workers. it is YOUR country that created the environment for these cowards to turn 3000 people into dust. You lose 201 souls and you fall to your knees at the feet of these coward monkeys, begging them to "spare you". They are laughing in your pathetic faces at this moment.