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So I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon skinning this here dead deer's head(1). (Why? European mount that's why. Now you think twice before calling Col. Ressler on me.)
And to any of my friends and relative who will feel smart enough to drop by, having worked for some time on the you're-not-getting-any-younger kind of jokes that made many a postcard editing house's fortune, I'm going to answer with just the required background hysterical tone in my voice:
A-ah, ah, ah very funny indeed. Now do you see this deer's head?And then I'll check the sharpness of my knives on my forearm while starring at them with a slightly mad glint in my eyes, and without a flinch.
That should cut any attempt in the line of “Well, a recent survey showed that at the age of twenty 90% of men have sex four times a week and that by the time they reach 40 they are still capable of telling the same pathetic lie.”, and other “hey the candles cost more than the cake”. Sharpish and shortish.
Defensive? You think I am being defensive? Hey look, do you see this deer's head?
Now, slightly less seriously and hopefully without too much violin, I wish to thank you dear reader for hanging around these parts of the world wide wood, when there's so many other interesting stuff elsewhere, a large proportion of which does not even involve naked human beings at all, and be ready to face whatever I can toss at you, from dead deers' heads to terrorist mime trainers.
And come back the next day nevertheless(2).
I've very much enjoyed your extensive feedback when I asked your advice a couple of weeks ago. I've set my mind on the 30-30 Marlin 336C, as many of you suggested — it was indeed a tough call between her and the Remington 700. I will get me the Remington, though not just now — and I'm now calling the gun shops around, in order to get the best bang for my bucks(3). I'm down to € 730 at the moment, which is very reasonable indeed.
Unless you all rush to tell me this is a stupid idea, I'm thinking of having the following tattooed on the babe:
1967 - 2007
I'm still not set on the adrenalin boost, but considering the persistent lousy weather around here, I might have to postpone it anyway: correct me if I'm wrong but the constant rain and cloudy sky would ruin both the Lambo drive and the skydiving.
A-ah, ah, ah very funny indeed. No I am not backing off and do you see that there dead deer?
Comments thread (36)
2773 - JihadGene
JihadGene North Korea, Central California
Dis Froggy-
Sure hope your Dad is doing better...give us an update when ya can. Praying for your family!
2774 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
Bro, you should have jumped yesterday! Rain is good, air density is up. Though the added weight on the canopy is a drag, it is only 5 grand and no gear. You can DO IT!!!! HOOHA!!
And congrats on the deer. Hope you cook some awsome meals and impress the friends. Then get them shitfaced and convince them to jump out of airplanes. Its a tradition.
2775 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
Damn, I gots to get a more direct feed. Bloglines is running you 61 hours behind, this blows!
Hope your Papan is doing better, take him some venison, especially if you have to sneak it in. That makes it better. Only med advice I can give is do the full set of anti-biotics. No matter how much better he feels, take all of them. And don't go heavy on drinking water till the last 3 days. And get the man some garlic. Few conditions you can get into that are not improved with a few good doses of garlic. Especially with wild rice and chicken. A nice Aegean seasoning mix.
And congrats again on the deer(head). My neighbor got a doe with his bow Saturday morning, so we have some venison in the house already.
2776 - Ben USN (Ret)
Ben USN (Ret) Washington State, USA
Happy Birthday, DF (kinda late).
I hope and pray for your father to heal soon.
2777 - Folly
Folly USA
I hope your father gets well soon despite the doctors.
2798 - Red Collar
Red Collar Montreal, Qc, Can
Bonne fête! J'ai remarqué qu'il n'y avait qu'une seule balle sans "shooty" et je me dis que c'est probablement ton interprétation artistique de la situation.
Mais puisque je vois la tête de chevreuil mort, je vais cesser ces questions stupides et dire Woohoo, UNE SEULE BALLE! Comme dans Deer Hunter (le film avec Robert DeNiro).
Happy birthday. I noticed that only one round was without the shooty part, and I figure that it's your artistic interpretation of the situation.
But since I do see that there dead deer head, I will forgo this foolish line of questioning and say Woot! One Shot, just like in Deer Hunter! "Two is pussy."
I also approve of the tatoo. That's pretty good.