the dissident frogman

16 years and 10 months ago

When in Venice…

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Richard Gere: "Is that a maxim in my pocket, or am I just happy to see you?
… Do as the Capocomico does.
VENICE, Italy (AP) - Richard Gere and Charlize Theron added their voices to a chorus of stars taking swipes at the Bush administration at the Venice Film Festival. "How did we elect Bush twice?" Gere asked rhetorically (…)

"What's interesting to me is how do the bad people among us end up our leaders?" the 58-year-old actor said at a news conference Monday.

Oh Dear. Coming from a moving pictures muppet such as Dick the Gigolo here, that's mighty rich. Rich as a Beverly Hillbilly, no less.

"Still, can you beat that Diss?" sez the motley crowd that form my beloved audience? "Yah, you betcha Yah", sez the Me.

Let's study in detail this profound aphorism from the great 21st century philosopher Richard Gere:
"How did we elect Bush twice?"

By voting for him. Twice. Democracy, majority rule, consent of the governed, free and fair elections, equality before the law, political pluralism, and [expletive omitted for the sake of the lovelies in the audience] Dude.

If Dick the Deep Thinker feels he still has to ask such a - rhetorical, mind you - question circa 2007, then we can reasonably deduce that the Richard Gere School of Thinking Very Hard With The Inside Of Richard Gere's Head belongs either under Authoritarianism or Idiotarianism.

Possibly both.

Which, and I digress, is very surprising indeed. Considering the little I know about Richard Gere, through the little tabloids I've read, I would have thought his philosophy, like the rest of the Californian Celluloid Stick Figures was (very) limited to, I don't know, Clitoridianism(1). But I suppose Hollywood actors, when they get close to 60, are bound to discover that one can think with his head too. At least some of them.
"What's interesting to me is how do the bad people among us end up our leaders?"

Ah, interesting — though no very kind to Nancy Pelosi — but what's interesting to me is how do we let all sorts of dropouts, magic dusters and nymphos turned buffoons and jesters on silver screens, whose only talent is to learn tricks and Sit! Quiet! Fetch! at the guy behind the camera's order, think they can claim the moral high ground and lecture us?

I wouldn't let my dog patronize me like that, and I'm sure he can fetch better and faster than Richard Gere. But then, it didn't take my dog 60 years to figure out how to use his brain.

Oh and, forgive my enduring lack of interest for the latest Bimbo Race Championship, but can anybody tell me who the screaming hell is Charlize Theron?

Nevermind, that was asked rhetorically, in a very Richard Gerian fashion. I don't give a flying [expletive omitted for the sake of the lovelies in the audience] about who she is.

Many thanks to my nearly-Adoptive Mom — whom I love just the same nevertheless — Valerie from Texas, for slapping the back of my head and pointing me at the great Bob Parks report and take on the last lecture in Hollywood Philosophy.
  1. I just made that up, so keep reading. And you should be mature enough by now to stop looking up dirty words in the dictionary.



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the dissident frogman

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (29)

2530 - Mike H.

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  • Mike H. Spokane, Wa

Umm Sis, why don't we take Kucinich and Paul and enroll them in a reality show where they have to coexist with a bunch of Klingons in rut (I think that they go into rut). We could have Michael Moor(e) referee the match and the Klingons could have him as a trophy. We could always take up a collection for whatever it is that the Klingons use for fuel to sweeten the pot.

Tag: Sophistry

2532 - Valerie, Texas

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DF -Love the new picture that greets one and all to the dacha!

A REALITY show featuring Klingons? Ok!

BTW, it is Vulcans who go into "rut", every 7 years, not Klingons. Just tell the Klingons their honor has been insulted by K & P and you'll get all the fireworks you want. Have plenty of blood wine on hand, that's the only fuel necessary. Also, one does not referee Klingons.

As for M. Moore, I propse Operation Luau:

Moore (unconscious or not), a camera duct taped to his righ hand, Clint Eastwood's doorbell.
You do the math.

2533 - SisterToldjah

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As for M. Moore, I propse Operation Luau:

Moore (unconscious or not), a camera duct taped to his righ hand, Clint Eastwood's doorbell.

You do the math.

Heh - that would be interesting to see ;)

2534 - Mike H.

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  • Mike H. Spokane, Wa


2536 - Banjo

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In asserting Richard Gere has his head up his ass you apparently didn't recall it's the space he reserves for gerbils.

2537 - floridasuzie

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  • floridasuzie Florida

Hi All,

I'm back - Cape Cod is a nice place to visit but it sure is good to be back home again "away down South in Dixie". I agree about the actors and am embarrassed to admit I once had a mad crush on John Cusack until I found out he's a flaming liberal. Now I can't stand to watch any of his movies. Not only that but I I can't imagine how I ever found him attractive. I don't know if it's just that I now know he's a liberal and thus disgusting or maybe he's getting ugly as he ages.

Gina sorry to hear about your youngest child in the hospital! Let us know how he is?


2538 - alex

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first time reader frogman. First you guys elect a kick-ass leader finally, now this. My whole opinion of Frenchmen might have to change. Keep up the great work.

alex the canuk

2541 - chrisandclauida2

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  • chrisandclauida2 behind enemy lines in occupied territory

Im sorry but I find it difficult to take political advice from or listen to the deep thoughts of a man who used to enjoy inserting small furry rodents in his anus. [allegedly but never denied]. For some reason it kills his ability to come across serious.

2543 - Lady Cincinnatus

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  • Lady Cincinnatus Ohio & Kentucky

Frogman, it's a relief to see you in your terrorist mime costume when logging in...that Richard Gere photo was extremely disconcerting and frightened me.