the dissident frogman

When The Nazis Aren't Enough

Quand Les Nazis N'y Suffisent Plus

the dissident frogman 19 years and 8 months ago

Necrothreading much?

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As I already mentioned here and there I definitely ditched my television set shortly after 9/11, as the infamy of the French networks was just not acceptable to watch anymore.

But I still have my informers.

One of them just told me that while watching the French-German artsy-farsty Zeropean Leftist channel Arte, the night before yesterday, he learned that if there were so many Jews deported to their death in the Nazis camps, it was - don't hold your breath - the Americans' fault.

Because - dig that - they didn't bomb the railways and stations (enough, presumably).

Now before you decide (unilaterally) to start bombing (preemptively) a certain French-German artsy-farsty Zeropean Leftist channel studio, just to make sure you won't be blamed for the future generations of French and Germans indoctrinated to their moral death in the French-German Kultural Elite's rehabilitation programs, please bear in mind that although I have no reasons to doubt my informer's information, I haven't witnessed that alleged piece of rewritten history myself.

Therefore, if anybody saw it, and can provide evidences or links that confirm, mitigate or invalidate this report, please email or comment. In the meantime, I will of course restrain the finger pointing procedure, and leave to Arte-farsty the benefit of the doubt.

However, I saw fit to post about it, in order to address these broader issues:

First, and from my past experience of this appalling French German propaganda tool (at the expense of the tax-payer), this definitely has 'Arte' written all over. This is exactly their kind of turf.

Arte cares about the Jews, only in the context of the Holocaust - and only as a convenient lever to put some blame on the Allied (mainly, of course, the US) - the rest of the time, Arte is resolutely pro Palestinian terror struggle.
Historically, Arte's WWII reads like Communists' post war propaganda.
Economically, Arte is all funny in the pants whenever she starts chirping about the anti-globalization totalitarians.
Environmentally speaking, Arte wants you to regress to the Middle Ages, and those "brown people in distant southern countries" to keep dying of starvation and crass misery just for a climate temperature reduction of 0.15°C in year 2100 (source: the dissident frogman's Kyoto Protocol Abridged).
Finally, on the humanitarian plan, Arte wants you to regress to the destitution and slavery of a Socialist economy, hence forcefully 'redistribute' the fruits of your work to provide enough Mr. Coffee© to various NGO's allegedly dedicated to those "brown people in distant southern countries" who keep dying of starvation and crass misery just because you didn't regress to the Middle Ages, knowing that as far as climate is concerned, the main difference between the Medieval Warm Period and today is that you invented the air-conditioner, and worked your ass off to afford it (Apart from the French, still stuck in Socialist tragedies of medieval proportions in that respect).

Anyway, you get the idea: Arte is the usual mix of paleo-Marxists and trendy Champagne Socialists behind a facade of post-modern subculture, European flavor. You don't really need a picture, do you?

So while it still doesn't mean the information I received is accurate, it doesn't strike me as highly improbable when it comes to Arte and anti-Allied revisionism (behold my mastery of understatements).

Next, this would definitely appear like part of a general trend within a larger French-German History in the Rewritting operation. Aided and abetted by the French, the German side begin with a disgusting self-exculpation on the sacred soil of D-Day, asserting that in all this sad WWII adventure, the Germans too were victims of, well, Germany - And by that, they don't mean the few German opponents to the Nazi regime, but the very masses who attended the Nazis' grand-masses with enthusiasts and coordinated "Zig Heil" arm gymnastics, as well as those victims in feldgrau uniforms who were victimized into putting harsh resistance from Italy and the Battle of Normandy on, and rolling all the way back to Germany, via Bastogne and Oradour-sur-Glane.

Thus, once you've made yourself an official victim, and since everybody feels a bit uneasy nonetheless, your most pressing task is to designate as many culprits as possible, in order to divert everybody's attention from your flimsy new victim status. And since everybody feels a lot bitter and spiteful towards those Yanks who didn't admit that this guy on the right (and those in the back) was a victim too, what better idea than blaming them for what you did?

Yep, this is where tools such as Arte come in handy.

Again, this information has to be confirmed, but if it was, I'm sure you will enjoy like I do the pathetic irony of a French-German entity basically saying: "sure, we were mass murderers once, but that's because nobody stopped us."

Yes, I know I said I was on strike. It's just that I've decided to do it the Japanese way today. I'm wearing an armband on my pajamas.

We now resume our general strike program.

Article copy (alternate language)

J'ai déjà évoqué ici et là le fait que j'avais définitivement balancé mon poste de TV peu de temps après le 11 Septembre, l'infamie des chaînes françaises étant au-delà de l'acceptable.

Mais j'ai toujours mes informateurs.

L'un d'entre eux viens de me dire que, regardant la chaîne Franco-Allemande de Lard Zéropen gauchiste Arte, avant-hier soir, il a appris que si tant de Juifs ont été déportés vers leurs morts dans les camps Nazis, c'était - inutile de retenir votre souffle - la faute aux Américains.

Car - voyez-vous - ils n'avaient pas bombardé le réseau ferroviaire et les gares (ou 'pas assez' j'imagine).

Avant que vous ne décidiez (unilatéralement) d'un bombardement (préemptif) des studios d'une certaine chaîne Franco-Allemande de Lard Zéropen gauchiste, afin de vous assurer de pas porter le blâme de générations futures de français et d'allemands endoctrinés jusqu'à la mort de l'éthique par les programmes de rééducation de l'Elite Kulturelle Franco-Germanique, veuillez noter que, bien que n'ayant aucune raison de douter des informations de mon informateur, je n'ai pas été témoin direct de cette réécriture de l'Histoire.

En conséquence, si certains parmi vous l'ont vue, et peuvent fournir des preuves ou des liens qui confirment, modèrent, ou infirment cette info, merci de vous manifester par email ou dans les commentaires. En attendant, je reste modéré sur les pointages du doigt, et laisse à de l'Arte-ou-du-Cochon le bénéfice du doute.

J'ai cependant jugé utile d'écrire à ce sujet, pour adresser en fait ces questions plus larges :

Tout d'abord, et selon mon expérience de ce consternant outil de propagande franco-germanique (aux frais du contribuable), ce genre de manip est effectivement de l'Arte tout craché. C'est exactement un de leurs dadas.

Arte se soucie des juifs uniquement dans le contexte de l'Holocauste - et seulement comme un point d'appui pratique pour accuser les Alliés (et principalement les USA, bien entendu) d'un quelconque crime - le reste du temps, Arte est résolument pro terrorisme lutte palestinienne.
Historiquement, la 2eme Guerre Mondiale selon Arte se lit comme de la propagande communiste d'après-guerre.
Economiquement, Arte se sent toute chose dans son slip dès lors qu'elle commence à gazouiller sur les totalitaires de l'anti-mondialisation.
Concernant l'environnement, Arte veux que vous régressiez au Moyen Age, et que ces "gens un peu bronzés dans de lointains pays du sud" continuent de crever de faim et de misère crasse, simplement pour atteindre une réduction de température climatique de 0.15°C en l'an 2100 (source : Résumé du Protocole de Kyoto, ed. the dissident frogman).
Enfin, sur le plan humanitaire, Arte veux que vous régressiez jusqu'au dénuement et à l'esclavage des économies socialistes, et 'redistribuer' ainsi le fruit de votre travail par la force afin de fournir suffisamment de machines à café à diverses ONG censément dévouées à la cause de ces "gens un peu bronzés dans de lointains pays du sud" qui continuent de crever de faim et de misère crasse sans doute parce que vous n'avez pas jugé bon de régresser jusqu'au Moyen Age, sachant pertinemment que la principale différence entre la période chaude médiévale et aujourd'hui, est que vous avez inventé le climatiseur et avez bossé suffisamment pour pouvoir vous l'offrir (A l'exception des français, toujours enlisés dans des tragédies socialistes de proportions médiévales à cet égard).

Bref, vous saisissez le topo : Arte est le mélange habituel de paléo-Marxistes et de gauche-caviar branchouille derrière une façade de sousculture post-moderne, en version européenne. Vous n'avez pas besoin d'un dessin, pas vrai ?

De fait, même si cela ne signifie toujours pas que l'information que j'ai reçu est exacte, cela ne me frappe pas vraiment comme quelque chose de hautement improbable, dès lors que l'on aborde la question d'Arte et du révisionisme anti-Alliés (contemplez ma maîtrise de la litote).

Ensuite, cela me semble coller parfaitement à une certaine tendance plus générale des opérations franco-germaniques de Réécriture de l'Histoire. Avec la complicité des français, le côté allemand débute par une écoeurante auto disculpation sur le sol sacré du Débarquement, affirmant que dans toute cette malheureuse aventure de la 2eme Guerre Mondiale, les allemands eux aussi furent victimes de, et bien, l'Allemagne - Et par cela, ils n'entendent évidemment pas les quelques allemands opposés au régime Nazi, mais bien les masses amassées dans les grand-messes Nazies, avec d'enthousiastes mouvements de gymnastique du bras coordonnée "Zig Heil", ainsi que ces victimes en uniforme vert-de-gris contraintes d'opposer une âpre résistance, depuis l'Italie et la Bataille de Normandie, et tout le long jusqu'à l'Allemagne, en passant par Bastogne et Oradour-sur-Glane.

Ainsi, lorsque vous vous êtes, vous même, déclaré victime officielle, et alors que tout le monde se sent un peu mal à l'aise malgré tout, il convient sans plus attendre de désigner autant de coupables que possible, afin de détourner l'attention générale de votre nouveau et vacillant statut de victime. Et puisque tout le monde se sent carrément amer et haineux envers ces yankees qui n'ont pas voulu reconnaître que ce type sur la droite (et ceux qui sont dans le fond) était une victime lui aussi, quelle meilleure idée que de les blâmer eux pour ce que vous avez fait ?

Ouais, c'est là où des outils tel Arte deviennent utiles.

une fois encore, cette info doit être confirmée, mais si elle l'était, je suis bien certain que vous goûteriez comme moi l'ironie pathétique d'une entité franco-allemande déclarant globalement : "d'accord, nous étions des meurtriers de masse, mais c'est parce que personne ne nous a arrêté."

Oui, je sais que je suis censé être en grève. Je viens juste de décider de le faire à la japonaise. Je porte un brassard avec mon pyjama.

Mais maintenant, nous reprenons sans plus tarder le cours de notre programme de grève générale.



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Comments thread (30)

1791 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Ok, looks like a quickie is needed: Nicanor (btw, there are revisionists in the US too, you know, and it's not as if America was free of anti-Americans anyway. But then, you may not be aware of that, judging by your IP address), and the rest of the "well, but the US this, and the US that" in the audience: The point is not to be nitpicking about the Allied strategy (in case some of you forgot, this whole WWII story was not just about Nazi death camps after all -- all strategic decisions notwithstanding), particularly when the said nitpickers happen to be precisely the French commenters. It is also very easy and comfortable to examine and judge political and military decisions once the war is over (Hey Grouchy? Nope, Blücher. Merde, we almost won Waterloo). We should leave that to the historians I guess (though even them have varied positions on most issues…), and many French a bit too quick to put the blame on anybody but themselves should shut the f* up, and instead wonder what Grand Dad was doing exactly at that time (for the record, I know what mine did, and unlike the clowns of the new French-German Unified Freundschaft, I don't need to commission Arte for a PR campaign to exculpate them, thank you very much). Ultimately, the point is how many US soldiers and civilians fought, worked and suffered to end the whole affair (and that extends of course to the Brits, Aussies, Poles, Canadians, etc.) compared to the French/Germa... Oh wait. The point is therefore (yeah and ultimately), who, of all the people, is the very last with any legitimacy to criticize the Allied's strategy and sacrifices, and the very first who should really-just-shut-up. Though the point of the post itself was mostly the Arte propaganda tool and the current trend in French-German History Laundry Day. Odd, I though I made that clear enough… Two frogs with one stone: now everybody knows I'm not completely dead (though I must confess it's not really me posting this. Complicated, I know). Will be back soon, thanks to those of you who worried about it. Back to work now.
Time to take sides

1792 - Nicanor

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Oh dear, quite a lot of anger. I just thought I would highlight that I had read the same sort of stuff I saw on the Arte programme somewhere else. That was my point. I am not justifying the Arte show, in fact the details of it -and any anti-Allies- innuendo if there was any would have escaped me as my French is not that good. Thus I am not yet capable of saying if the programme was propagandistic or not. I am not taking a stand defending or attacking Arte (ah but I forgot in the brave new world you are either with something or against it). In the end it seems my post must have hit a raw nerve judging by your prompt and extensive reply. Hasta la vista baby!

1793 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Don't get too hot, and don't drop your panty yet sweetheart: there's nothing personal, as yours was just the last in a fairly long series of "missed-the-point-blame-the-US-nonetheless" comments. And that's what called for an answer that began with...
"Nicanor (...), and the rest ..."
... If you don't mind me reminding you. In any case, bear in mind that, had your comment been utterly irrelevant or simply insufferably moronic, it would have been deleted without arguing. Sue me. In any case, there's no need to justify yourself so lavishly. You should stick to your brave old world's guidelines: nothing is certain, nothing can be asserted, nothing is right, and nothing is wrong - therefore, ideas can't really have consequences, can they?
Time to take sides

1794 - Nicanor

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Yes indeed, I think I will stick to Plato: "solo se que no se nada"

1795 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Well of course you do. That's what is called "arrested development", and that's what I meant with "brave old world". The new one starts with Aristotle, and a whole lot after him. Not that you would care anyway - you look so good when you stick.
Time to take sides

1796 - Valerie, Texas

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Yahoo! Look who's here kickin' his little webbed feet! DF, we miss you!

1797 - Mashiki

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DF is alive and kicking. Something that you'll enjoy atleast. Or did one of your operatives do this? France destroying 162,000 copies of the EU constiution because of the phrase "incoherent text" appears. heh

1798 - Ashish Hanwadikar

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  • Ashish Hanwadikar

Cool post!

1799 - FlashGordon

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Parabéns! Continue.

1800 - antares

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nice website, very refreshing to read unusual opinions for the old continent. Hope you'll fire something again soon... (in the meantime the BBC does so every day), I'll try to watch what Arte will say on June 6 (in case you won't take this torture on yourself).