the dissident frogman

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A comment by Valerie, the Texas on A Day With Roger ♠ Une Journée Avec Roger

Tigers who dwell in glass houses called California might reconsider name calling others. Roger Simon posted a thoughtful and thought-provoking piece. After reading Roger's observations, yet again, I cannot help but think that France is serving as a "morality play" to be a warning to others. A tale that we (America) should be heeding. The Socialists who are bleeding her to death and ignorirng the growing anit-Semitism did not come into political dominance over-night. They have been as patient as spiders, slowly, slowly spinning this web. This is no time for us to be smug, but watchful. Of France, and of our own situation in the U.S. We have seen Roger's thoughts, interested now to read yours good frogman. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to our gracious host and to all the visitors to the dacha.

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