the dissident frogman

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A comment by the dissident frogman on Terror? No ♠ Terreur ? Non

Peter, While I fully agree with you that Socialism is the fifth column of this war (as it was during the Cold War), I certainly hope I won't live to see "mass expulsion" of any given ethnic or religious group. For instance, what about Arabs who flew the Muslim world because they refuse to submit to Islam? (I use the verb submit on purpose, considering the meaning of the word "Islam") Are you going to send them back? What's disturbing in your statement, is that you happen to make the same mistake as the multiculturalists, albeit from the opposite perspective. They claim: "every Arabs and Muslims are angels", you claim "All of them are evil". I would say Islam has a serious problem. It's oppressive, it's retarded, it plays on the frustration and the fears of a quarter of the world's population in order to progress and therefore it is dangerous for the rest of us. It has to change, starting right now, or disappear if it can't manage the change. I'd say, as Dinesh D'Souza astutely put it by catching on a statement of Tony Blair: sure, the great majority of the Muslims are not terrorists, nonetheless, the great majority of the terrorists are Muslims - and they are widely supported in the world (including of course by the aforementioned Socialists) There are thinkers, scholars, journalists, laics - and even clerics - in the Muslim world and in the West who are aware of this and who fight for the change. In the Muslim world, they have to keep silent, as pointing at the fact that today's Islam is nothing but an oppressive abomination would be signing their own death sentence. But what about those who flew and came to the West, in order to make their voice heard? What about Ibn Warraq for instance? Should we help them (and if possible, those who stayed in the Muslim world) or should we just round up everybody and move them somewhere else, in the hope that the problem will go away as well? If we look back on the previous fight against the last threat to Civilization, Communism, I'm afraid the West already has a record of failures to help the dissidents who were speaking the truth and struggling in the right direction. I hope we'll do better in our fight against militant Islam. First because they are on our side, and then because at the end of the day, it's not about class (here goes the Socialists) and it's not about race (Here goes today's Multiculturalists, just like yesterday's Nazis did. Here you go? I hope not…) It's about individuals and the objective value of the rules, ideas and beliefs they abide by (Yep, here I go)

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