the dissident frogman

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A comment by the dissident frogman on Weapon of Mass Acclamation ♠ Arme d'Acclamation Massive

Demosthenes: mistakes were definitely made during and immediately following the first Gulf War. I don't know what happened - lack of conviction on our part, perhaps, or maybe just an effort to show the world that we weren't trying to take over. Well in fact it's probably more "the need to preserve the stability - whatever that means - of the region, particularly for the sake of another autocracy: Saudi Arabia" But that's something the average pathologically anti-American frog boy can't understand - and won't even try to, actually. It's all about Oil as you know, and Bush is behind 9/11 with the Mossad... Either way, it was a bad decision Agreed, a hundred percent. But then again, there are some countries in this world that admit and fix their mistakes. And there are those that persevere: see Chirac's statement at the G8. Anyone who thinks the United States is a dictatorship has clearly never lived under one and has never lived in the US. Clearly. Don't cheapen the suffering, pain, and real oppression of others by making ridiculous comparisons. Correct. And that's also the reason why they've been supporting Saddam and will support any other freak after him (the Kim Jun Il Fan Club must be already painting the signboards), as far the USA are involved in the crisis. It's a cheap shot and one of which they'll never have to take the responsibility. I bet you know already that we agree on your last point. ;-) Valerie: Thanks for dropping by. It's always a pleasure to have you and your acumen in the dacha. Chris: Thanks for caring about France, that's a lesson some should definitely learn better... That said, France is getting what she deserve and she's digging her own hole by herself. Don't be too prompt to forget how they treated you because they keep acting the same albeit a bit more quietly, considering that they're too busy right now with the struggle to maintain their privileges and the holidays coming...

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