the dissident frogman

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A comment by Ded on Stop Them. Now. ♠ Stoppez Les. Maintenant.

France has no monopoly on idiots for politicians, simply read the news and you will find the inept, ideological bloodsuckers in every country. Although the quote is "old", the thoughts behind it are alive and well today as they were when first uttered. The world seems to have turned upside down. Europeans had no problems killing each other in the millions until after WWII. Now there seems to be resentment for countries like Israel and the U.S. who have tired of bleeding because their neighbors or ideological enemies insist on trying to eliminate them and their way of life. The U.S. has given aid and shed blood for almost every country in the world and Israel simply wants to exist, yet the howls for their demise come from those who would benefit the most from simpy discarding their status as "victims" and work to come into the 21st Century. The Palestinians have managed to make almost every nation in which they resided cast them out and they insist on continuing to live in poverty instead of ridding themselves of the idea of destroying the jews and instead educate their children while making true peace with the Israelis. Eventually, the rest of the world is going to decide that socialism and despotism are the true threats to peace and will no longer tolerate them. China and Russia will come to the point where ideology is trumped by the knowledge that cooperation will further their comforts they have become used to than by trying to take it by force which means that N. Korea will be forced to give up it's nuclear blackmail because China has too much to lose in supporting a lunatic that may cause their destruction by default. One can only pray that these things come to pass before some fool decides to martyr themself and in turn cause the nuclear holocaust we so feared in the last century!

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