the dissident frogman

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A comment by Mr. James Simon on Stop Them. Now. ♠ Stoppez Les. Maintenant.

For those who think that the Jews won their land honestly I can say that they have a hole in their head. The land was usurped or taken by stealth under the pretence that it was given to them by God. What a ridiculous idea!. If God wanted them to have this land they wouldn't have to go and kill people from the Helicopters against human beings unarmed. Why then God led the Jews go in circle for forty long years without telling them where they should be. Gaza was never a Jewish land from the beginning of the world's existence, and yet they claim that it is. Babylon was never a Jewish land. Isarael as we know it now was nothing more than a few tribes. Wake up people of the world the Jews wants it all exactly like the Muslims, by force helped by the damn Americans.

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