the dissident frogman

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A comment by the dissident frogman on When The Nazis Aren't Enough

Ok, looks like a quickie is needed: Nicanor (btw, there are revisionists in the US too, you know, and it's not as if America was free of anti-Americans anyway. But then, you may not be aware of that, judging by your IP address), and the rest of the "well, but the US this, and the US that" in the audience: The point is not to be nitpicking about the Allied strategy (in case some of you forgot, this whole WWII story was not just about Nazi death camps after all -- all strategic decisions notwithstanding), particularly when the said nitpickers happen to be precisely the French commenters. It is also very easy and comfortable to examine and judge political and military decisions once the war is over (Hey Grouchy? Nope, Blücher. Merde, we almost won Waterloo). We should leave that to the historians I guess (though even them have varied positions on most issues…), and many French a bit too quick to put the blame on anybody but themselves should shut the f* up, and instead wonder what Grand Dad was doing exactly at that time (for the record, I know what mine did, and unlike the clowns of the new French-German Unified Freundschaft, I don't need to commission Arte for a PR campaign to exculpate them, thank you very much). Ultimately, the point is how many US soldiers and civilians fought, worked and suffered to end the whole affair (and that extends of course to the Brits, Aussies, Poles, Canadians, etc.) compared to the French/Germa... Oh wait. The point is therefore (yeah and ultimately), who, of all the people, is the very last with any legitimacy to criticize the Allied's strategy and sacrifices, and the very first who should really-just-shut-up. Though the point of the post itself was mostly the Arte propaganda tool and the current trend in French-German History Laundry Day. Odd, I though I made that clear enough… Two frogs with one stone: now everybody knows I'm not completely dead (though I must confess it's not really me posting this. Complicated, I know). Will be back soon, thanks to those of you who worried about it. Back to work now.

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