Sir, I would never have known about this if not for you. You see, that little gold statue has become a symbol of the Hollywood's foulest droppings. In the last decade, the movies awarded are the ones I now know will make me leave the theater. So "Academy-Award-Winning" is shorthand for "horrible hollywood slop." Which means the actual ceremony isn't even worth watching. Many other Americans have tuned out also. Their tedious clap-fest has gone down in the ratings. So I appreciate you telling us what happened. I was doing better things. Like cleaning out my catbox and restacking the soup cans in my kitchen pantry.
Sir, I would never have known about this if not for you. You see, that little gold statue has become a symbol of the Hollywood's foulest droppings. In the last decade, the movies awarded are the ones I now know will make me leave the theater. So "Academy-Award-Winning" is shorthand for "horrible hollywood slop." Which means the actual ceremony isn't even worth watching. Many other Americans have tuned out also. Their tedious clap-fest has gone down in the ratings. So I appreciate you telling us what happened. I was doing better things. Like cleaning out my catbox and restacking the soup cans in my kitchen pantry.