the dissident frogman

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A comment by unknown jane on Quote of the Day

Purple -- no doubt! I'm an Illinoisan and have had the, er, pleasure (hack, gag) of Mr. Obama's service (choke, sputter) in my state.

Change and Hope indeed! He's an old-fashioned Chi-town Machine poli -- nothing more and perhaps a bit less (he's not as good at hiding his crookedness as some). It simply astounds me, how folks can be so blindsided by this guy. He hasn't done one damn thing for IL (the state that fervently thanks the Higher Power each and every day for Louisiana and New Orleans -- otherwise we'd have the crookedest politics and the most downtrodden, ill served citizenry), and the only thing he'll work for if he gets the presidency is to line his and his Chitown bosses/cronies pockets -- Barry's one mobbed up senator, I assure you. A beacon for my brothers and sisters? Ha! Only thing he ever did for Black folks was ....(drum roll) Altgeld Gardens ...oh yeah, that reeaally gave poor blacks a boost.

By the way, has anyone taken a peek at that campaign seal he was using? I think they finally pulled it -- and still the sheeple eat him up like candy ! oy vey!

Mark my words though, unless folks start wising up and soon , he'll be our Prez -- and then the big joke will be on everyone.

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