the dissident frogman

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A comment by fred on Back To Usual Business? ♠ Retour Aux Affaires Courantes ?

Dear Frogman , in France they are a two realities ,the reality in France and the reality out France. The french doesn't know the reality out France because , they thinking , that their system is a best of the world . Im live in France and since i ve internet i discovered others kinds of think but i know the reality in France , the false informations , a bad policy or unilateral convictions of GVT wich explain that their actions is a only solution to out of world economical crisis. The Securite Sociale has a 14 billiions dollars of deficit , they have a 1000 billions total deficit and 14% uneployement rate , ( state rate 9.1% very funny ) in Usa 6.1% of 261.000.000 very good . When the news listening, the USA have a problem with the firearms , the have a problem with a young outlaws in the Hlm and the police is unefficient or absent ..... Gentlemans do you know my arguments , the only solutions : Mister President of USA. Please authorize me to obtain the green card , and i very happy to work in the Usa and i very happy to pay the fisc........... Sincerely yours FRed :)

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